Proof of concept. Do not use in production
$newUser = [
'firstname' => 'johnny',
'lastname' => 'bravo',
'username' => 'johnnyb'
'password' => 'somerandomstring'
$crud = new Crud(
new Database('databaseName', 'username', 'password'),
$id = $crud->create($newUser);
var_dump($id); // ID of the record just created in the database
catch(Exception $e)
echo $e; // Output errors, if any
$columns = ['id', 'firstname', 'username'];
$crud = new Crud(
new Database('databaseName', 'username', 'password'),
$result1 = $crud->read(); // Uses ['*'] as the default argument if nothing is passed
var_dump($result1); // Array of all records in the table, showing all columns
$result2 = $crud->read($columns);
var_dump($result2); // Array of all records in the table, showing their id, first name and username
catch(Exception $e)
echo $e; // Output errors, if any
The $where
parameter can take a string (regular SQL, for complex restrictions) or a multi-dimensional array as shown below
$columns = ['id', 'firstname', 'lastname', 'username'];
$where = [
['WHERE', 'firstname', '=', 'johnny'],
['OR', 'id', '>=', 10]
$crud = new Crud(
new Database('databaseName', 'username', 'password'),
$result = $crud->read($columns, $where);
var_dump($result); // Returns all records where the firstname is johnny or where the id is 10 or higher
catch(Exception $e)
echo $e; // Output errors, if any
$changedUserData = [
'username' => 'johnnyboya'
'password' => 'somenewrandomstring'
$where = [
['WHERE', 'id', '=', 1]
$crud = new Crud(
new Database('databaseName', 'username', 'password'),
$rows = $crud->update($changedUserData, $where);
var_dump($rows); // Shows how many rows were updated
catch(Exception $e)
echo $e; // Output errors, if any
$columns = ['id', 'firstname', 'lastname', 'username'];
// Same syntax as when using read() or update()
$where = [
['WHERE', 'firstname', '=', 'johnny'],
['OR', 'id', '>=', 10]
$crud = new Crud(
new Database('databaseName', 'username', 'password'),
$result = $crud->delete($where); // Deletes all records where the firstname is johnny or where the id is 10 or higher
var_dump($result); // Returns true if successful
$crud->delete(); // Deletes all data in the table
catch(Exception $e)
echo $e; // Output errors, if any