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Footnotes Extension

Vladimir Schneider edited this page Mar 19, 2018 · 1 revision

flexmark-java extension for footnote processing


Creates footnote references in the document. Footnotes are placed at the bottom of the rendered document with links from footnote references to footnote and vice-versa.


Converts: [^footnote] to footnote references and [^footnote]: footnote definition to footnotes in the document.


Paragraph with a footnote reference[^1]

[^1]: Footnote text added at the bottom of the document

Which renders as:

<p><span class="selection-highlight">Paragraph with a footnote reference</span><sup id="fnref-1"><a class="footnote-ref" href="#fn-1">1</a></sup></p>
<div class="footnotes">
  <hr />
    <li id="fn-1">
      <p><span class="selection-highlight">Footnote text added at the bottom of the document</span></p>
      <a href="#fnref-1" class="footnote-backref">&#8617;</a>

Paragraph with a footnote reference[^1]

[^1]: Footnote text added at the bottom of the document

Parsing Details

Use class FootnoteExtension from artifact flexmark-ext-footnotes.

The following options are available:

Defined in FootnoteExtension class:

Static Field Default Value Description
FOOTNOTES new repository repository for document's footnote definitions
FOOTNOTES_KEEP KeepType.FIRST which duplicates to keep.
FOOTNOTE_REF_PREFIX "" Prefix to use when rendering footnote reference.
FOOTNOTE_REF_SUFFIX "" Suffix to use when rendering footnote reference.
FOOTNOTE_BACK_REF_STRING "&#8617;" String to use for the link text on the footnote back link to text, default: ↩
FOOTNOTE_LINK_REF_CLASS "footnote-ref" String to use for the class attribute of the link used to render the footnote reference
FOOTNOTE_BACK_LINK_REF_CLASS "footnote-backref" String to use for the class attribute of the link used to render the link back to the footnote
FOOTNOTE_PLACEMENT ElementPlacement.AS_IS formatting option see: Markdown Formatter
FOOTNOTE_SORT ElementPlacement.AS_IS formatting option see: Markdown Formatter