Parse, extract and convert to ORM's options your query filters. Made for easy communication between client and server
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Using stringifyParsedFilters
with a valid filter object
let queryString = stringifyParsedFilters({
"name": {
"$eq": "Jon",
"lastname": {
"$like": "doe"
"age": {
"$gte": 18,
"$lt": 65.5
"role": {
"$in": [ "user", null, "%|@?&&__?./::|@#¼½^{[}] " ],
"banned": {
"$not": true
This object will be stringified as this:
If it's needed, it's fairly human readable:
name [$eq] = %40Jon
& lastname [$like] = %40doe
& age [$gte] = 18
& age [$lt] = 65.5
& role [$in] [0] = %40user
& role [$in] [1]
& role [$in] [2] = %40%25%7C%40%3F%26%26__%20Test%20%3F.%2F%3A%3A%7C%40%23%C2%BC%C2%BD%5E%7B%5B%7B%7D%20
& banned[$not]=true
> Only values are encoded ! Keys and operatos stay as is
Type | Raw | Encoded | Rule |
Booleans | true , false |
true , false |
As is |
Nulls | null |
null |
As is |
Numbers | 10 , 42.42 , Infinity , ... |
10 , 42.42 , Infinity , ... |
As is |
Strings | Hello World! |
%40Hello%20World%21 |
Encoded with and prefixed with an encoded @ (%40 ) |
Why do strings are prefixed with an
Prefix strings prevents keyword like or number like string to be badly parsed:
Type check with prefix | ||
Number String |
10 "%4010" |
10 "10" |
Boolean String |
true "%40true" |
true "true" |
Decode the transmitted query string using parseQueryString(req.query.filters)
, query will be parsed back to the original object
Allowed operators | ||
$eq |
equals | == |
$lt |
lower than | > |
$lte |
lower than or equals | >= |
$gt |
greater than | < |
$gte |
greater than or equals | <= |
$in |
is contained in array of values | IN as in SQL |
$not |
different from | != |
$like |
is like | ILIKE as in SQL |
👤 Mathias Billot
- Twitter: @Spectaa_
- LinkedIn: @mathias-billot
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