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MSFragger pipeline

KaiLiCn edited this page Oct 21, 2019 · 6 revisions


  1. MS/MS data in mzML;
  2. PSM table in TSV format.

PDV only requires the following columns being present in PSM table file:

(1). "Spectrum": spectrum title

(2). "Peptide": peptide sequence

(3). "Charge": PSM charge

(4). "Calculated M/Z": calculated M/Z based on peptide

(5). "Observed M/Z": observed M/Z based on MS

(6). "Assigned Modifications": modifications in standard format


Spectrum Peptide Charge Calculated M/Z Observed M/Z Assigned Modifications
b1930_293T_proteinID_10A_QE3_122212 .02109.02109.3 LTNSMMMHGR 3 409.1756 409.1741 5M(15.9949), 6M(15.9949), 7M(15.9949), N-term(42.0106)