The idea behind this assigment is to get an idea on which level of programming you are. The challenge is to create a live search for events in the system. The requirements for the application are the following:
- It's a React application
- There is an input which the user can use to live search for events
- There is a list with results of events
- The list contains the following fields: Name of event, promotor and location
- Basic layout
Bonus points for:
- Debounce search input
- Use of React hooks
- Cancel previous request if new request is send before previous was resolved
- Typescript
- Looks nice with some css styling
We have an endpoint to request information on events. The endpoint documentation is available here:
Be aware that you need to use Basic Auth to access the endpoint. This is something we will provide. Use what ever tools you feel comfortable with. For example, create-react-app, axios, etc.
Good luck!