Description: This is a placeholder description for a Whistlepost site project.
This project consists of three (3) sub-projects that comprise the entire site.
The site application code resides in this project. HTML, CSS and JavaScript customisations may be implemented here.
Root-level site configuration can be found in this project. This will include things like mapping (/etc/map)
This project contains all the site content that is rendered using the application code.
This project uses gradle to build and bundles. The following tasks are the most commonly used:
build # rebuild and package bundle jars
installBundle # upload bundle jars to the configured OSGi (e.g. Apache Sling) environment
startBundle # start installed bundles in the configured OSGi environment
The following project properties may also be overridden:
sling_url # the host environment url
sling_username # the host environment user
sling_password # the host environment password
Through containerisation of the deployment stack development and testing productivity is greatly improved. The following commands are most commonly used when using Docker:
docker-compose up -d # start Apache Sling and install bundles
docker-compose build && docker-compose run --rm whistlepostnet # reinstall any changes into the running Apache Sling environment