These ROS packages are used to simulate the environment of 3D navigation
- Based on indigo of Ubuntu 14.04
- gazebo and gazebo_ros (I used gazebo7)
- PCL(needed if you want use multiwire laser, it is required in package block_laser)
There are five packages .
- block_laser Multiwire laser plugin.You can change the paraments to simulate velodyne laser or other laser . The data is published in format of sensor_msgs::PointCloud2.
- diff_robot Models of diff_wheels_robot.You can add block laser, hokuyo laser or kinect.(multiple_robot is testing)
- control_msgs Messages of controlling the four_wheeled_car.
- control_plugin A gazebo plugin of controlling the four_wheeled_car.You can control the car by joystick.
- vehicle_sim Models of four_wheeled_car.Come form car_demo.(two_wheeled_bike is testing)
- Just build the packages as common ROS packages.
roslaunch diff_robot nav_sim.launch
to launch the robot simulation.roslaunch vehicle_sim vehicle_sim.launch
to launch the vehicle simulation.
- There may be some problems in building block_laser. I used
.If the differences of version make the errors in building, you can1.change the version
or2.edit the file block_laser_16.cpp to adapte the API
.Good luck.