- Brussels, Belgium
- http://widged.com/
learndb Public
Forked from learn-awesome/learndbCurated learning resources with topics, formats, difficulty levels, expert reviews and metadata tags
JavaScript UpdatedJul 3, 2022 -
Some ideas and brainstorming for running workshops for beginners
Svelte Design System with CSS variables. The goal here is to provide super lightweight, easy to reuse components that do not depend on a fully fledged css framework
Svelte MIT License UpdatedJun 24, 2022 -
FlaskRestAPI Public
Forked from ObsidianBlaze/FlaskRestAPIBuilding a basic CRUD API application with Flask
Python MIT License UpdatedSep 14, 2021 -
markdown-heading-extractor Public
Extracts the headings from a list of markdown documents and import them in a nedb database
UpdatedSep 7, 2021 -
raycasting-with-p5js Public
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMay 23, 2021 -
example-nextjs-faunadb-todomvc Public
Forked from magiclabs/example-nextjs-faunadb-todomvcJavaScript UpdatedNov 23, 2020 -
frontend-frameworks Public
Forked from HackYourFuture/ReactSpecifications React Module
JavaScript Other UpdatedNov 9, 2020 -
Julia-katas Public
Exercices in Julia taken from codewars, leet code, etc
Julia MIT License UpdatedNov 4, 2020 -
awesome-code-challenges Public
List of sites with code challenges
MEDIUM_NoteBook Public
Forked from cerlymarco/MEDIUM_NoteBookRepository containing notebooks of my posts on Medium
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedNov 2, 2020 -
awesome-open-images Public
Listing of websites with images under a permissive license
call-for-visualization Public
Forked from foambubble/call-for-visualizationBuilding visualizations on top of a Foam workspace
MIT License UpdatedJul 16, 2020