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Genja is a simple static website generator. It is a Python command line tool that generates HTML files and a JSON feed from Markdown content.


The uv tool is recommended for Python installation and package management. After installing uv, use the tool command to install Genja as a command line tool on your computer:

$ uv tool install genja

Check the installed version from the command line:

$ genja --version


Before running genja, create a project structure as shown below. Markdown files go into the _pages and _posts directories. The pages directory is for standalone content that is not dated such as an about page or contact page. The posts directory is for dated content such as blog posts or articles. The _templates directory contains Jinja templates that are used to render the HTML pages. The mysite directory contains the generated website which can be hosted with GitHub Pages or some other web hosting platform. Lastly, the genja.toml file defines the URLs and directories for the project.

├── mysite/
│   ├── img/
│   └── styles.css
├── _pages/
│   ├──
│   └──
├── _posts/
│   ├──
│   └──
├── _templates/
│   ├── index.html
│   ├── page.html
│   └── post.html
└── genja.toml

The items in the genja.toml file are shown below. The base_url is the URL for the homepage of the website. The posts_output defines the output directory for the generated posts. The HTML files generated from Genja are located in the site_output directory. Static content such as images and CSS files should go in this directory. The title of the website is defined by the title key.

base_url = ""
posts_output = "blog"
site_output = "mysite"
title = "My Website"

Use the serve command to build the website and start a local server. This will automatically open the default web browser to view the website. The website will automatically reload when changes are saved to the Markdown files.

$ genja serve

Use the build command to build the website without running a local server.

$ genja build


See the examples directory in this repository for projects that can be built with Genja. For more information about each example, see the Examples section in the Genja documentation.


Clone this repository and use the uv tool to create a Python environment for developing Genja. This environment uses ruff for linting and formatting along with pytest for running tests. Genja is installed in editable mode within the environment. See the CONTRIBUTING document for more details.


Support this project by using the ❤️ Sponsor button at the top of this page. Thank you 😄.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. See the LICENSE document for the license text.