My name is Will Bonnell and I work at Oliver Wyman, building production React and R Shiny applications. Previously, I worked for NORC at the University of Chicago as a data analyst and visualization developer. I have about six years of experience in R/R Shiny and about three years of building applications in React, with skills in Three.js, D3.js, vanilla JS, CSS, semantic HTML.
- 🔭 I’m currently building tools in React and Svelte, creating interactive websites in Three.js, and doing UI/UX design in Figma.
- 🌱 You can find my collection of Three.js work on my interactive portfolio site. THe SPA features models and scenes built in blender, animations in gsap, various glsl shaders I have written for effects, and several hand-painted models.
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on interactive data visualisations and data journalism. I'm available for commission or collaboration. Some of my past vizes are available on my website.
- 💬 Ask me about declarative D3 programming in Svelte or using R in Express.js servers.
- 📫 How to reach me: twitter!
- 😄 Pronouns: he/him
Some past and current projects:
- 🌩️ r-svelte-demo - A demo of how to use R scripts in an Express.js server for a web application created in Svelte.
- 🏀 NBA Shotmaps - An in-progress web application built in Svelte using queried NBA shot data to visualize shotmaps and provide summary statistics of NBA games in D3.
- 🎹 {shinykeyboard} - an R package to include an on-screen keyboard in an R Shiny application
- 🚆 {ctar} - an R package to interact with the Chicago Transit Authority API for live data on train locations
- ⚖️ Civic Info Lookup application - an F7 mobile application built with R Shiny, leaflet.js/MapQuest.js, {googlecivic}, and tui-calendar to display civic information from your phone screen.
- 📜 {googlecivic} - an R package to interact with the Google Civic Information API to retrieve voter information data by address