No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator
This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 1.0.0
- Package version: 1.84.0
- Generator version: 7.6.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen
Python 3.7+
If the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:
pip install git+
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install git+
Then import the package:
import wordlift_client
Install via Setuptools.
python install --user
(or sudo python install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import wordlift_client
Execute pytest
to run the tests.
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
import wordlift_client
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = wordlift_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.
# Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
async with wordlift_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = wordlift_client.AccountApi(api_client)
# Get
api_response = await api_instance.get_me()
print("The response of AccountApi->get_me:\n")
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling AccountApi->get_me: %s\n" % e)
All URIs are relative to http://localhost
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AccountApi | get_me | GET /accounts/me | Get |
AccountStatsApi | get_my_stats | GET /accounts/me/stats | Get my Account statistics |
AccountsApi | get_account | GET /accounts/{id} | Get an account. |
AccountsApi | list_accounts | GET /accounts | List |
AccountsApi | update_account | PUT /accounts/{id} | Update an account. |
AddOnsApi | list_configurations | GET /addon/configurations | List |
AgentApi | ask_request_api_ask_post | POST /ask | Ask Request |
AnalysesApi | analyse | POST /single | Analyse content |
AnalysesApi | create | POST /analysis/analyses | Create |
AnalysesApi | merge | POST /merge | Analyse and Merge |
AnalysesApi | v2_analysis | POST /v2/analyze | Analyse Web Page |
AnalyticsImportsApi | create_analytics_import | POST /analytics-imports | Create |
AuthorsApi | create_author | POST /data/authors | Create |
AutocompleteApi | get | GET /autocomplete | Get |
BotifyCrawlImportsApi | create_botify_crawl_import | POST /botify-crawl-imports | Create |
ClassificationsApi | classify_using_post | POST /classification/classify | Create |
ContentExpansionsApi | create_content_expansion | POST /content-expansions | Create |
ContentGenerationCompletionApi | create_completion | POST /completions | Create a completion |
ContentGenerationFieldsApi | list_fields | GET /content-generations/{contentGenerationId}/fields | List |
ContentGenerationFieldsApi | list_fields_for_graph_ql_query | POST /fields | List for GraphQl Query |
ContentGenerationModelsApi | list_models | GET /models | List |
ContentGenerationPresetsApi | list_presets | GET /graphql-query-presets | List |
ContentGenerationRecordsApi | get_record | GET /content-generations/{contentGenerationId}/records/{recordId} | Get |
ContentGenerationRecordsApi | list_records | GET /content-generations/{contentGenerationId}/records | List |
ContentGenerationRecordsApi | list_records_as_events | GET /content-generations/{contentGenerationId}/records-sse | List as Events |
ContentGenerationRecordsApi | update_record | PUT /content-generations/{contentGenerationId}/records/{recordId} | Update |
ContentGenerationRecordsApi | update_records | PUT /content-generations/{contentGenerationId}/records | Update |
ContentGenerationRecordsApi | update_records_collection | PUT /content-generations/{contentGenerationId}/records-collection | Update |
ContentGenerationRecordsExportApi | export | GET /content-generations/{contentGenerationId}/records.tsv | |
ContentGenerationRendersApi | render_template | POST /content-generations/renders | Render |
ContentGenerationRendersApi | render_template_collection | POST /content-generations/renders-collection | Render |
ContentGenerationStatsApi | get4 | GET /content-generations/{contentGenerationId}/stats | Get |
ContentGenerationSyncsApi | create_sync1 | POST /content-generations/{contentGenerationId}/syncs | Create |
ContentGenerationWordBiasesApi | create_word | POST /content-generations/{contentGenerationId}/words | Create |
ContentGenerationWordBiasesApi | create_words | PUT /content-generations/{contentGenerationId}/words | Update for prompt |
ContentGenerationWordBiasesApi | create_words_from_csv | PUT /content-generations/{contentGenerationId}/words/imports | Update from CSV |
ContentGenerationWordBiasesApi | delete_word | DELETE /content-generations/{contentGenerationId}/words/{id} | Delete |
ContentGenerationWordBiasesApi | list_words | GET /content-generations/{contentGenerationId}/words | List |
ContentGenerationWordBiasesApi | update_word | PUT /content-generations/{contentGenerationId}/words/{id} | Update |
ContentGenerationsApi | create_content_generation | POST /content-generations | Create |
ContentGenerationsApi | delete_content_generation | DELETE /content-generations/{id} | Delete |
ContentGenerationsApi | duplicate_content_generation | POST /content-generations/{from_content_generation_id}/duplicates | Duplicate |
ContentGenerationsApi | get_content_generation | GET /content-generations/{id} | Get |
ContentGenerationsApi | list_content_generations | GET /content-generations | List |
ContentGenerationsApi | update_content_generation | PUT /content-generations/{id} | Update |
CustomDomainsApi | validate | POST /validations | Validate |
DataURIApi | get2 | GET /data-uri | Get the Web Data URI for a Web Page URL. |
DatasetApi | create_or_update_entities1 | POST /dataset/batch | Create or update many |
DatasetApi | create_or_update_entity | POST /dataset | Create or update one |
DatasetApi | delete_all_entities | DELETE /dataset/all | Delete all |
DatasetApi | delete_entity | DELETE /dataset | Delete one |
EmbeddingApi | create_embedding | POST /kg/embeddings | Create |
EmbeddingsApi | create_embeddings | POST /api/embeddings | Create Embeddings |
EntitiesApi | create_entities | POST /entities | Create |
EntitiesApi | create_or_update_entities | PUT /entities | Update (or create) |
EntitiesApi | delete_entities | DELETE /entities | Delete |
EntitiesApi | get_entities | GET /entities | Get |
EntitiesApi | patch_entities | PATCH /entities | Patch Entity |
EntityGapsApi | create_entity_gap | POST /entity-gaps | Create |
FactCheckApi | submit_fact_check | POST /fact-check/score | Submit a fact-checking request |
GoogleMerchantsApi | list_google_merchants | GET /ext/google/shopping/merchants | List |
GoogleSearchConsoleApi | list_website_search | GET /ext/google/searchconsole/searches | List Website Search data |
GoogleSearchConsoleApi | list_websites | GET /ext/google/searchconsole/websites | List |
GoogleSearchConsoleOAuth2Api | create_auth_code_exchange | POST /google-search-console/oauth2/auth-code-exchanges | Get an Access Code |
GoogleSearchConsoleOAuth2Api | create_authorize_uri | POST /google-search-console/oauth2/authorize-uris | Create an Authorization URI |
GoogleSearchConsoleOAuth2Api | delete_authorization | DELETE /google-search-console/authorization | Delete an authorization |
GoogleSearchConsoleOAuth2Api | duplicate | POST /google-search-console/authorize/duplicate | Duplicate the Google Search Console connection through accounts |
GoogleSearchConsoleOAuth2Api | get_authorizations | GET /google-search-console/authorizations | Get the authorizations |
GoogleSearchConsoleOAuth2Api | login | GET /google-search-console/authorize/init | Login to the Google Search Console API client |
GoogleSearchConsoleSearchesApi | list_website_search1 | GET /accounts/me/google/searches | List Website Search data |
GraphQLApi | graphql_using_post | POST /graphql | Query |
IncludeExcludesApi | list_include_excludes | GET /accounts/me/include-excludes | List |
IncludeExcludesApi | update_include_excludes | PUT /accounts/me/include-excludes | Update |
InspectorApi | get3 | GET /inspect | Inspect |
InternalLinksApi | create_internal_link | POST /internal-links | Create |
InternalLinksApi | create_internal_link_suggestion | POST /internal-links/suggestions | Suggest |
LongTailsApi | get2 | GET /longtail | Get entities |
LongTailsApi | get3 | GET /longtail/hook | Get entities by rank (async) |
LongTailsApi | get_v2 | GET /longtail/v2 | Get entities by rank |
MerchantSyncsApi | create_sync | POST /merchants/{merchantId}/syncs | Start |
MerchantSyncsApi | get_merchant_sync | GET /merchants/{merchantId}/syncs/{id} | Get by id |
MerchantSyncsApi | list_merchant_syncs | GET /merchants/{merchantId}/syncs | List |
MerchantsApi | create_merchant | POST /merchants | Create |
MerchantsApi | delete_merchant | DELETE /merchants/{id} | Delete by id |
MerchantsApi | get_merchant | GET /merchants/{id} | Get by id |
MerchantsApi | list_merchants | GET /merchants | List |
MerchantsApi | update_merchant | PUT /merchants/{id} | Update |
MicrodataApi | microdata_to_json_ld | GET /microdata-to-jsonld | Microdata to JSON-LD |
OAuth2AuthorizedClientsApi | create_o_auth2_authorized_client | POST /oauth2/authorized-clients | Create |
OAuth2AuthorizedClientsApi | delete_o_auth2_authorized_client | DELETE /oauth2/authorized-clients/{id} | Delete |
OAuth2AuthorizedClientsApi | get_o_auth2_authorized_client | GET /oauth2/authorized-clients/{id} | Get |
OAuth2AuthorizedClientsApi | list_o_auth2_authorized_clients | GET /oauth2/authorized-clients | List |
OAuth2AuthorizedClientsApi | update_o_auth2_authorized_client | PUT /oauth2/authorized-clients/{id} | Update |
PlatformConsumptionsApi | create_or_update_my_platform_consumption | PUT /platform-limit/consumptions/me | Create or update the Platform Consumption |
PlatformConsumptionsApi | get_my_platform_consumption | GET /platform-limit/consumptions/me | Get the Platform Consumption |
PlatformLimitsApi | create_platform_limit | POST /platform-limit/limits | Create Platform Limit |
PlatformLimitsApi | delete_platform_limit | DELETE /platform-limit/limits/{id} | Delete Platform Limit |
PlatformLimitsApi | get_platform_limit | GET /platform-limit/limits/{id} | Get Platform Limit |
PlatformLimitsApi | list_platform_limits | GET /platform-limit/limits | List Platform Limits |
PlatformLimitsApi | update_platform_limit | PUT /platform-limit/limits/{id} | Update Platform Limit |
PluginDiagnosticsApi | update_diagnostic_plugin_collection | PUT /accounts/me/plugin/diagnostics/plugins-collection | Update |
PluginEventsApi | create_event | POST /plugin/events | Create |
PluginEventsApi | list_events | GET /plugin/events | List |
QuestionsAndAnswersApi | create_question_and_answer | POST /questions-and-answers | Create |
QuestionsAndAnswersApi | create_questions_and_answers_collection | POST /questions-and-answers-collection | Create |
QuestionsAndAnswersApi | delete_question_and_answer | DELETE /questions-and-answers/{id} | Delete |
QuestionsAndAnswersApi | delete_questions_and_answers_collection | DELETE /questions-and-answers-collection | Delete |
QuestionsAndAnswersApi | get_questions_and_answers | GET /questions-and-answers | Get |
QuestionsAndAnswersApi | update_question_and_answer | PUT /questions-and-answers/{id} | Update |
QuestionsAndAnswersApi | update_questions_and_answers_collection | PUT /questions-and-answers-collection | Update |
RedeemCodesApi | redeem_code | POST /redeem-codes | Redeem the provided code and get a key |
RulesApi | copy_rules | POST /rules/copies | Copy |
RulesApi | create_rule | POST /rules | Create |
RulesApi | delete_rule | DELETE /rules/{id} | Delete |
RulesApi | list_rules | GET /rules | List |
RulesApi | update_rule | PUT /rules/{id} | Update |
RulesApi | update_rule_collection | PUT /rules-collection | Update |
SEOScoresApi | create_seo_score | POST /score | Create |
SitemapGeneratorApi | generate_sitemap | POST /build | Generate Sitemap |
SitemapImportsApi | create_sitemap_import | POST /sitemap-imports | Create |
SummarizationsApi | microdata_to_json_ld_using_post | POST /summarize | Create |
VectorSearchNodesApi | update_nodes_collection | PUT /vector-search/nodes-collection | Update |
VectorSearchQueriesApi | create_query | POST /vector-search/queries | Create |
VectorSearchQuestionsApi | create_vector_search_question | POST /vector-search/questions-collection | Create |
WebAsyncsMetadataApi | get1 | GET /webasyncs/{id} | Get by id |
WebAsyncsMetadataApi | list | GET /webasyncs | List |
WebAsyncsResponsesApi | get1 | GET /webasyncs/{id}/pull | Get by id |
- Account
- AccountInfo
- AccountStats
- AccountSubscription
- ActiveAccount
- AddOnConfiguration
- AnalysesRequest
- AnalysesResponse
- AnalysesResponseItem
- AnalyticsImportRequest
- AnchorText
- Annotation
- AskRequest
- AskResponse
- AuthorRequest
- Authorization
- AuthorizationStatus
- AutocompleteResult
- BatchRequest
- BotifyCrawlImportRequest
- BuildAuthorizeUriRequest
- BuildAuthorizeUriResponse
- ClassificationRequest
- ClassificationResponse
- CompletionRequest
- ContentExpansionRequest
- ContentExpansionResponse
- ContentGeneration
- ContentGenerationRequest
- ContentGenerationStats
- CreateEmbeddingsInput
- CreateSEOScore200Response
- CreateSEOScoreRequest
- DiagnosticPlugin
- DiagnosticPluginRequest
- DomainValidationRequest
- DuplicateAuthorizationRequest
- EmbeddingRequest
- Entity
- Entity1
- EntityGapRequest
- EntityMatch
- EntityPatchRequest
- Event
- ExchangeAuthCodeRequest
- ExchangeAuthCodeResponse
- Filter
- FilterValue
- GenerateSitemap200Response
- GenerateSitemapRequest
- GraphqlRequest
- HTTPValidationError
- Html
- Image
- IncludeExclude
- IncludeExcludeRequest
- InspectResponse
- InternalLink
- InternalLinkDestination
- InternalLinkRequest
- InternalLinkSource
- Item
- KgEmbeddingRequest
- LevelEnum
- LocationInner
- LongtailResponse
- Merchant
- MerchantEntry
- MerchantRequest
- MerchantSync
- MerchantView
- Model
- ModelField
- NetworkAccountInfo
- NodeRequest
- NodeRequestMetadataValue
- OAuth2AuthorizedClient
- OAuth2AuthorizedClientRequest
- PageActiveAccount
- PageAddOnConfiguration
- PageContentGeneration
- PageField
- PageMerchantEntry
- PageMerchantSync
- PageMerchantView
- PageModel
- PageOAuth2AuthorizedClient
- PagePlatformLimit
- PagePreset
- PageRecord
- PageRule
- PageVectorSearchQueryResponseItem
- PageVectorSearchQuestionResponseItem
- PageWebsite
- PageWebsiteSearch
- PageWithLimits
- PageWord
- PlatformLimit
- PlatformLimitRequest
- Preset
- ProblemDetail
- ProjectType
- Properties
- Properties1
- QuestionAndAnswer
- QuestionAndAnswerRequest
- RankEntities
- Record
- RenderRequest
- Request
- Request1
- Request2
- Request3
- Response
- Response1
- Response2
- Rule
- RuleRequest
- Scope
- SitemapImportRequest
- SmartContent
- SmartContentRequest
- SubmitFactCheck200Response
- SubmitFactCheckRequest
- Topic
- UpdateAccountRequest
- UpdateQuestionAndAnswerRequest
- UpdateRecordRequest
- UpdateRecordsRequest
- ValidationError
- ValidationFix
- ValidationResult
- ValidationTypeEnum
- VectorSearchQueryRequest
- VectorSearchQueryResponseItem
- VectorSearchQueryResponseItemFieldsValueInner
- VectorSearchQueryResponseItemMetadataValue
- VectorSearchQuestionRequest
- VectorSearchQuestionResponseItem
- WebAsync
- WebPage
- WebpageProperties
- Website
- WebsiteSearch
- WhatOperandLhs
- WhatOperator
- WhenOperator
- WithLimits
- Word
- WordRepetitionData
- WordRequest
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Authorization
- Location: HTTP header