Text adventure console game to train with OOP
Download game file and run ./game
in the terminal to start it.
Works on unix systems only (MacOS and Linux).
Will implement Windows support later in the future.
If you want to compile the game by yourself, in case the 'game' file doesn't work:
---MacOS--- 🍎
Install with brew:
brew install ncurses
---Linux--- 🐧 (Ubuntu/Debian)
run this on terminal:
sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev
check if g++ is already installed first with:
g++ --version
if it's not installed yet get developer tools:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install build-essential
the above meta-package installs the number of packages including g++ automatically, gcc, and make.
g++ -Wall -std=c++20 -o game -I./states -I./renderer -I./characters -I./ui -I./combat *.cpp ./states/*.cpp ./renderer/*.cpp ./ui/*.cpp ./characters/*/*.cpp ./combat/*.cpp -lncurses
- Use Arrow Up,Arrow Down,Arrow Left and Arrow Right to navigate menus
- Use Enter to select
- Use w, a, s, and d to move through the map
- Shift + q to close the game or quit from Main Menu
- Use p to pause game when playing
- Ctrl + + to resize terminal window (Cmd + + on Mac) if the game map is too small