just bash scripting and unstable coded script dude
For me Bash scripting is utterly powerful tool that I use to automate my daily tasks, managing my sub-systems including main systems, even rule the world lol!
Several Tasks can be done using scr'y'pting :
This repo introduce you to short your amount of time wasted in the repetitive, redundant tasks : backup, file transfer, checking version, processing your data.. With this script I bet you can save your precious time and see the sunshine while in the 'golden hour' before sunset ikrrrr.. OKay, I mean you can save time and be consistent and persistent acroosssssss your systems.
Manage the world you mean? NO, managing systems like our dependencies, packages, servers, my dbs, networks devices, and monitoring.. Leverage this and you know the beauty of having a 'bashed' degree
Okay, maybe not the whole world, but Bash scripting can certainly help you rule your own little corner of it. By combining Bash scripts with other tools, such as cron, Git, and Docker, we can create powerful workflows that automate entire systems and processes.
In a nutshell, Bash scripting is Versatile, and one step solution for your wide range 'demand' or in a corporate hierarchy you are in the level of 'receiving': "do this", "do that". NO, this will help you to do that and it's a worth to explore and mastering with enough CURIOSITY