Permalink: 🌟 在茫茫人海中,我们相遇,真好呀!
In the vast sea of people, it's wonderful that we've met!
Permalink: 介绍自己 Introduction
- 💬 嘿嘿,你好呀!我是沙子,也可以叫我冷也是晴,总之你随意啦!(^▽^)
Hi there! I'm Shazi, or you can call me Lengyeshiqing, whatever you prefer! (^▽^)
- 🌏 我是一名初中生,目前正努力备战2025年中考呢!(ง •̀_•́)ง
I'm a junior high school student, currently preparing hard for the 2025 Zhongkao! (ง •̀•́)ง_
- 🧝 我的 MBTI 类型是 ENFJ-A,喜欢和人打交道,希望能给大家带来正能量哦!
My MBTI type is ENFJ-A. I love interacting with people and hope to bring positive energy to everyone!
- 📰 我是中文母语者,英语水平嘛,凑合着能用,还在努力提升中呢!(๑•̀ㅂ•́)ง✧
I'm a native Chinese speaker, and my English is passable but still improving! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)ง✧
Permalink: 现在正在做的事 Ongoing Tasks
- ✏ 备战 2025 中考 | Preparing for the 2025 Zhongkao.
- 🖥 参与 ColorFulCraft Network 的社区主管工作以及官网更新 | Participating in the community management and official website updates of ColorFulCraft Network.
- 🎭 经常在 B站 和 苦力怕论坛 活跃,和小伙伴们交流分享有趣的事情 | Active on Bilibili and KLPBBS, sharing and discussing interesting things with friends.
Permalink: 社交账户 Social Accounts
- 🌐 ColorFulCraft - 高版本生电养老服务器 | High-version survival server for the elderly
- 🕹️ 苦力怕论坛 - Minecraft苦力怕论坛个人主页 | Minecraft KLPBBS personal homepage
Bilibili - B站个人主页 | Bilibili personal homepage