The idea behind waymore is to find even more links from the Wayback Machine than other existing tools.
👉 The biggest difference between waymore and other tools is that it can also download the archived responses for URLs on wayback machine so that you can then search these for even more links, developer comments, extra parameters, etc. etc. 👉 Also, other tools do not currenrtly deal with the rate limiting now in place by the sources, and will often just stop with incomplete results and not let you know they are incomplete.
Anyone who does bug bounty will have likely used the amazing waybackurls by @TomNomNoms. This tool gets URLs from and additional links (if any) from one of the index collections on You would have also likely used the amazing gau by @hacker_ which also finds URL's from wayback archive, Common Crawl, but also from Alien Vault, URLScan, Virus Total and Intelligence X. Now waymore gets URL's from ALL of those sources too (with ability to filter more to get what you want):
- Wayback Machine (
- Common Crawl (
- Alien Vault OTX (
- URLScan (
- Virus Total (
- Intelligence X ( - PAID SOURCE ONLY
👉 It's a point that many seem to miss, so I'll just add it again :) ... The biggest difference between waymore and other tools is that it can also download the archived responses for URLs on wayback machine so that you can then search these for even more links, developer comments, extra parameters, etc. etc.
NOTE: If you already have a config.yml
file, it will not be overwritten. The file config.yml.NEW
will be created in the same directory. If you need the new config, remove config.yml
and rename config.yml.NEW
back to config.yml
supports Python 3.
Install waymore
in default (global) python environment.
pip install waymore
pip install git+ -v
You can upgrade with
pip install --upgrade waymore
Quick setup in isolated python environment using pipx
pipx install git+
Arg | Long Arg | Description |
-i | --input | The target domain (or file of domains) to find links for. This can be a domain only, or a domain with a specific path. If it is a domain only to get everything for that domain, don't prefix with www. . You can also specify a TLD only by prefixing with a period, e.g. .mil , which will get all subs for all domains with that TLD (NOTE: The Alien Vault OTX source is excluded if searching for a TLD because it requires a full domain). NOTE: Any scheme, port number, query string, or URL fragment will be removed from the input values. However, if you provide a path, this will be specifically searched for, so will limit your results. |
-mode | The mode to run: U (retrieve URLs only), R (download Responses only) or B (Both). If -i is a domain only, then -mode will default to B . If -i is a domain with path then -mode will default to R . |
-oU | --output-urls | The file to save the Links output to, including path if necessary. If the -oR argument is not passed, a /results directory will be created in the path specified by the DEFAULT_OUTPUT_DIR key in config.yml file (typically defaults to ~/.config/waymore/ ). Within that, a directory will be created with target domain (or domain with path) passed with -i (or for each line of a file passed with -i ). For example: -oU ~/Recon/Redbull/waymoreUrls.txt |
-oR | --output-responses | The directory to save the response output files to, including path if necessary. If the argument is not passed, a /results directory will be created in the path specified by the DEFAULT_OUTPUT_DIR key in config.yml file (typically defaults to ~/.config/waymore/ ). Within that, a directory will be created with target domain (or domain with path) passed with -i (or for each line of a file passed with -i ). For example: -oR ~/Recon/Redbull/waymoreResponses |
-n | --no-subs | Don't include subdomains of the target domain (only used if input is not a domain with a specific path). |
-f | --filter-responses-only | The initial links from sources will not be filtered, only the responses that are downloaded, e.g. it maybe useful to still see all available paths from the links, even if you don't want to check the content. |
-fc | Filter HTTP status codes for retrieved URLs and responses. Comma separated list of codes (default: the FILTER_CODE values from config.yml ). Passing this argument will override the value from config.yml |
-ft | Filter MIME Types for retrieved URLs and responses. Comma separated list of MIME Types (default: the FILTER_MIME values from config.yml ). Passing this argument will override the value from config.yml . NOTE: This will NOT be applied to Alien Vault OTX, Virus Total and Intelligence X because they don't have the ability to filter on MIME Type. Sometimes URLScan does not have a MIME Type defined - these will always be included. Consider excluding sources if this matters to you.. |
-mc | Only Match HTTP status codes for retrieved URLs and responses. Comma separated list of codes. Passing this argument overrides the config FILTER_CODE and -fc . |
-mt | Only MIME Types for retrieved URLs and responses. Comma separated list of MIME types. Passing this argument overrides the config FILTER_MIME and -ft . NOTE: This will NOT be applied to Alien Vault OTX, Virus Total and Intelligence X because they don't have the ability to filter on MIME Type. Sometimes URLScan does not have a MIME Type defined - these will always be included. Consider excluding sources if this matters to you.. |
-l | --limit | How many responses will be saved (if -mode R or -mode B is passed). A positive value will get the first N results, a negative value will get the last N results. A value of 0 will get ALL responses (default: 5000) |
-from | --from-date | What date to get responses from. If not specified it will get from the earliest possible results. A partial value can be passed, e.g. 2016 , 201805 , etc. |
-to | --to-date | What date to get responses to. If not specified it will get to the latest possible results. A partial value can be passed, e.g. 2021 , 202112 , etc. |
-ci | --capture-interval | Filters the search on to only get at most 1 capture per hour (h ), day (d ) or month (m ). This filter is used for responses only. The default is d but can also be set to none to not filter anything and get all responses. |
-ra | --regex-after | RegEx for filtering purposes against links found from all sources of URLs AND responses downloaded. Only positive matches will be output. |
-url-filename | Set the file name of downloaded responses to the URL that generated the response, otherwise it will be set to the hash value of the response. Using the hash value means multiple URLs that generated the same response will only result in one file being saved for that response. | |
-xwm | Exclude checks for links from Wayback Machine ( | |
-xcc | Exclude checks for links from | |
-xav | Exclude checks for links from | |
-xus | Exclude checks for links from | |
-xvt | Exclude checks for links from | |
-xix | Exclude checks for links from Intelligence | |
-lcc | Limit the number of Common Crawl index collections searched, e.g. -lcc 10 will just search the latest 10 collections (default: 1). As of November 2024 there are currently 106 collections. Setting to 0 will search ALL collections. If you don't want to search Common Crawl at all, use the -xcc option. |
-lcy | Limit the number of Common Crawl index collections searched by the year of the index data. The earliest index has data from 2008. Setting to 0 (default) will search collections or any year (but in conjuction with -lcc ). For example, if you are only interested in data from 2015 and after, pass -lcy 2015 . This will override the value of -lcc if passed. If you don't want to search Common Crawl at all, use the -xcc option. |
-t | --timeout | This is for archived responses only! How many seconds to wait for the server to send data before giving up (default: 30) |
-p | --processes | Basic multithreading is done when getting requests for a file of URLs. This argument determines the number of processes (threads) used (default: 1) |
-r | --retries | The number of retries for requests that get connection error or rate limited (default: 1). |
-m | --memory-threshold | The memory threshold percentage. If the machines memory goes above the threshold, the program will be stopped and ended gracefully before running out of memory (default: 95) |
-ko | --keywords-only | Only return links and responses that contain keywords that you are interested in. This can reduce the time it takes to get results. If you provide the flag with no value, Keywords are taken from the comma separated list in the config.yml file (typically in ~/.config/waymore/ ) with the FILTER_KEYWORDS key, otherwise you can pass a specific Regex value to use, e.g. -ko "admin" to only get links containing the word admin , or -ko "\.js(\?|$)" to only get JS files. The Regex check is NOT case sensitive. |
-lr | --limit-requests | Limit the number of requests that will be made when getting links from a source (this doesn't apply to Common Crawl). Some targets can return a huge amount of requests needed that are just not feasible to get, so this can be used to manage that situation. This defaults to 0 (Zero) which means there is no limit. |
-ow | --output-overwrite | If the URL output file (default waymore.txt , or specified by -oU ) already exists, it will be overwritten instead of being appended to. |
-nlf | --new-links-file | If this argument is passed, a file (or if -oU is used it will be the name of that file suffixed with .new ) will also be written, and will contain links for the latest run. This can be used for continuous monitoring of a target (only for mode U , not mode R ). |
-c | --config | Path to the YML config file. If not passed, it looks for file config.yml in the default directory, typically ~/.config/waymore . |
-wrlr | --wayback-rate-limit-retry | The number of minutes the user wants to wait for a rate limit pause on Wayback Machine ( instead of stopping with a 429 error (default: 3). |
-urlr | --urlscan-rate-limit-retry | The number of minutes the user wants to wait for a rate limit pause on instead of stopping with a 429 error (default: 1). |
-co | --check-only | This will make a few minimal requests to show you how many requests, and roughly how long it could take, to get URLs from the sources and downloaded responses from Wayback Machine (unfortunately it isn't possible to check how long it will take to download responses from URLScan). |
-nd | --notify-discord | Whether to send a notification to Discord when waymore completes. It requires WEBHOOK_DISCORD to be provided in the config.yml file. |
-oijs | --output-inline-js | Whether to save combined inline javascript of all relevant files in the response directory when -mode R (or -mode B ) has been used. The files are saved with the name combinedInline{}.js where {} is the number of the file, saving 1000 unique scripts per file. The file combinedInlineSrc.txt will also be created, containing the src value of all external scripts referenced in the files. |
-v | --verbose | Verbose output |
--version | Show current version number. | |
-h | --help | Show the help message and exit. |
Install docker
git clone
cd waymore
Build image:
docker build -t waymore .
Run waymore with this command:
docker run -it --rm -v $PWD/results:/app/results waymore:latest waymore -i -oU -oR results/
The input -i
can either be a domain only, e.g.
or a specific domain and path, e.g.
. You can also pass a file of domains/URLs to process (or pass values in by piping from another program on the command line). NOTE: Any scheme, port number, query string, or URL fragment will be removed from the input values. However, if you provide a path, this will be specifically searched for, so will limit your results.
There are different modes that can be run for waymore. The -mode
argument can be 3 different value:
- URLs will be retrieved from (if-xwm
is not passed), (if-xcc
is not passed), (if-xvv
is not passed) and (if-xus
is not passed)R
- Responses will be downloaded from archive.orgB
- Both URLs and Responses will be retrieved
If the input was a specific URL, e.g.
then the -mode
defaults to R
. Only responses will be downloaded. You cannot change the mode to U
or B
for a domain with path because it isn't necessary to retrieve URLs for a specific URL.
If the input is just a domain, e.g.
then the -mode
defaults to B
. It can be changed to U
or R
if required. When a domain only is passed then all URLs/responses are retrieved for that domain (and sub domains unless -n
is passed). If the no sub domain option -n
is passed then the www
sub domain is still included by default.
The config.yml
file (typically in ~/.config/waymore/
) have values that can be updated to suit your needs. Filters are all provided as comma separated lists:
- Exclusions used to exclude responses we will try to get from, and also for file names when-i
is a directory, e.g.301,302
. This can be overridden with the-fc
argument. Passing the-mc
(to match status codes instead of filter) will override any value inFILTER_CODE
. -
- MIME Content-Type exclusions used to filter links and responses from through their API, e.g.'text/css,image/jpeg
. This can be overridden with the-ft
argument. . Passing the-mt
(to match MIME types instead of filter) will override any value inFILTER_MIME
. -
- Response code exclusions we will use to filter links and responses from through their API, e.g..css,.jpg
- Only links and responses will be returned that contain the specified keywords if the-ko
argument is passed (without providing an explicit value on the command line), e.g.admin,portal
- You can sign up to to get a FREE API key (there are also paid subscriptions available). It is recommended you get a key and put it into the config file so that you can get more back (and quicker) from their API. NOTE: You will get rate limited unless you have a full paid subscription. -
- If retrieving archive responses doesn't complete, you will be prompted next time whether you want to continue with the previous run. However, ifstdout
is piped to another process it is assumed you don't want to have an interactive prompt. A value ofTrue
(default) will determine assure the previous run will be continued. if you want a fresh run every time then set toFalse
. -
- If the--notify-discord
argument is passed,knoxnl
will send a notification to this Discord wehook when a successful XSS is found. -
- This is the default location of any output files written if the-oU
arguments are not used. If the value of this key is blank, then it will default to the location of theconfig.yml
file. -
- You can sign up to here. It requires a paid API key to do the/phonebook/search
through their API (as of 2024-09-01, the Phonebook service has been restricted to paid users due to constant abuse by spam accounts).NOTE: The MIME types cannot be filtered for Alien Vault OTX, Virus Total and Intelligence X because they don't have the ability to filter on MIME Type. Sometimes URLScan does not have a MIME Type defined for a URL. In these cases, URLs will be included regardless of filter or match. Bear this in mind and consider excluding certain providers if this is important.
In the default output directory specificed in the config.yml
(if that is blank, it will default to the location of the config.yml
file itself, typically ~/.config/waymore/
), a results
directory will be created. Within that, a directory will be created with target domain (or domain with path) passed with -i
(or for each line of a file passed with -i
). You can alternatively use argument -oU
to specify where the URL links file will be output (and the name of the file). You can also use argument -oR
to specify a directory (or path) where the archived responses will be output.
When run, the following files are created in the target directory:
- If-mode
, this file will contain links from selected sources. Links will be retrieved from Wayback Machine (unless-xwm
was passed), (unless-xcc
was passed), (unless-xav
was passed) and (unless-xus
was passed). If the-ow
option was also passed, any existingwaymore.txt
file in the target results directory will be overwritten, otherwise new links will be appended and duplicates removed.index.txt
- If-mode
, and-url-filname
was not passed then archived responses will be downloaded and hash values will be used for the saved file names. This file contains a comma separated list of<hash>,<archive URL>,<timestamp>
in case you need to know which URLs produced which response.ALL OTHER FILES
- These archived response files will be created if-mode
. If-url-filename
was passed the the file names will be the archive URL that generated the response,
, otherwise the file name will be a hash value, e.g.7960113391501.{EXT}
will be the extension derived from the path, otherwise it will be derived from the responsecontent-type
. Sometimes a general extesions will be given, e.g..js
for any content type containing the wordjavascript
, otherwise it may be set to the last part of the type (e.g. if it'sapplication/java-archive
the file will
). Using hash values mean that less files will be written as there will only be one file per unique response. These archived responses are edited, before being saved, to remove any reference
The number of links found, and then potentially the number of files archived responses you will download could potentially be HUGE for many domains. This tool isn't about speed, it's about finding more, so be patient.
There is a -p
option to increase the number of processes (used when retrieving links from all sources, and downloading archived responses from However, although it may not be as fast as you'd like, I would suggest leaving -p
at the default of 3 because I personally found issues with getting responses with higher values. We don't want to cause these services any problems, so be sensible!
I often use the -f
option because I want waymore.txt
to contain ALL possible links. Even though I don't care about images, fonts, etc. it could still be useful to see all possible paths and maybe parameters. Any filters will always be applied to downloading archived responses though. You don't want to waste time downloading thousands of images!
Using the -v
option can help see what is happening behind the scenes and could help you if you aren't getting the output you are expecting.
All the MIME Content Types of URL's found (by all sources except Alien Vault) will be displayed when -v
is used. This may help to add further exclusions if you find you still get back things you don't want to see. If you spot a MIME type that is being included but you don't want that going forward, add it to the FILTER_MIME
in config.yml
It should be noted that sometimes the MIME type on is stored as unk
and unknown
instead of the real MIME so the filter won't necessarily remove it from their results. The FILTER_URL
config settings can be used to remove these afterwards. For example, if a GIF has MIME type unk
instead of image/gif
(and that's in FILTER_MIME
) then it won't get filtered, but if the url is
and .gif
it won't get requested.
If config.yml
doesn't exist, or the entries for filters, aren't in the file, then default filters are used. It's better to have the file and review these to ensure you are getting what you need.
There can potentially be millions of responses so make sure you set filters, but also the Limit (-l
), From Date (-from
), To Date (-to
) and/or Capture Interval (-ci
) if you need to. The limit defaults to 5000, but say you wanted to get the latest 20,000 responses from 2015 up until January 2018... you would pass -l -20000 -from 2015 -to 201801
. The Capture Interval determines how many responses will get downloaded for a particular URL within a specified period, e.g. if you set to m
you will only get one response per month for a URL. The default d
will likely greatly reduce the number of responses and unlikely to miss many unique responses unless a target changed something more than once in a given day.
Another useful argument is -mc
that will only get results where the HTTP status code matches the comma separated list passed, e.g. -mc 200
or -mc 200,403
You can also greatly reduce the number (and therefore reduce the execution time) of links and responses by only returning ones that contain keywords you are interested in. You can list these keywords in config.yml
key and then pass argument -ko
to use these, or you can pass -ko
with a specific Regex, e.g. -ko "\.js(\?|$)"
to only get JS files.
As mentioned above, sign up to to get a FREE API key (there are also paid subscriptions available). It is recommended you get a key and put it into the config.yml
file so that you can get more back (and quicker) from their API. NOTE: You will get rate limited unless you have a full paid subscription.
The Wayback Machine CDX API can sometimes can sometimes require a huge amount of requests to get all the links. For example, if you run waymore for -i
it says there are 28,903,799 requests to that need to be made (that could take almost 1000 days for some people!!!). The argument -lr
can be used to limit the number of requests made per source (although it's usually that is the problem). The default value for the argument is 0 (Zero) which will apply no limit.
There is also a problem with the Wayback Machine CDX API where the number of pages returned is not correct when filters are applied and can cause issues (see internetarchive/wayback#243). Until that issue is resolved, setting the -lr
argument to a sensible value can help with that problem in the short term.
The Common Crawl API has had a lot of issues for a long time. Including this source could make waymore take a lot longer to run and may not yield any extra results. You can check if tere is an issue by visiting and seeing if this is successful. Consider excluding Common Crawl altogether using the --providers
argument and not including commoncrawl
, or using the -xcc
The provider API servers aren't designed to cope with huge volumes, so be sensible and considerate about what you hit them with!
When downloading archived responses, this can take a long time and can sometimes be killed by the machine for some reason, or manually killed by the user.
In the targets results
directory, a file called responses.tmp
is created at the start of the process and contains all the response URLs that will be retrieved. There will also be a file called continueResp.tmp
that stores the index of the latest response retrieved. If waymore
is run to get responses (-mode R
or -mode B
), and these files exist, it means there was a previous incomplete run, and you will be asked if you want to continue with that one instead. It will then continue from where it stopped before.
Just get the URLs from all sources for
(-mode U
is just for URLs, so no responses are downloaded):
The URLs are saved in the same path as config.yml
(typically ~/.config/waymore
) under results/
Get ALL the URLs from Wayback for
(no filters are applied in mode U
with -f
, and no URLs are retrieved from Commone Crawl, Alien Vault, URLScan and Virus Total, because -xcc
, -xav
, -xus
, -xvt
are passed respectively. This can also be achieved by passing --providers wayback
instead of the exclude arguments).
Save the FIRST 200 responses that are found starting from 2022 (-l 200 -from 2022
The -mode
wasn't explicitly set so defaults to B
(Both - retrieve URLs AND download responses).
A file will be created for each unique response and also saved in results/
There will also be a file results/
that will contain a reference to what URLs gave the response for what file, e.g.
4847147712618, ,2022-06-24 20:07:50.603486
where 4847147712618
is the hash value of the response in 4847147712618.xnl
, the 2nd value is the Wayback Machine URL where you can view the actual page that was archived, and the 3rd is a time stamp of when the response was downloaded.
You can pipe waymore to other tools. Any errors are sent to stderr
and any links found are sent to stdout
. The output file is still created in addition to the links being piped to the next program. However, archived responses are not piped to the next program, but they are still written to files. For example:
waymore -i -mode U | unfurl keys | sort -u
You can also pass the input through stdin
instead of -i
cat redbull_subs.txt | waymore
Sometimes you may just want to check how many request, and how long waymore
is likely to take if you ran it for a particular domain. You can do a quick check by using the -co
argument. For example:
waymore -i --check-only
So now you have lots of archived responses and you want to find extra links? Easy! Why not use xnLinkFinder? For example:
xnLinkFinder -i ~/Tools/waymore/results/ -sp -sf -o redbull.txt
Or run other tools such as trufflehog or gf over the directory of responses to find even more from the archived responses!
If you come across any problems at all, or have ideas for improvements, please feel free to raise an issue on Github. If there is a problem, it will be useful if you can provide the exact command you ran and a detailed description of the problem. If possible, run with -v
to reproduce the problem and let me know about any error messages that are given.
- Add an
argument that accepts a file of Out Of Scope subdomains/URLs that will not be returned in the output, or have any responses downloaded. - The
isn't de-duplicated if run multiple times for the same input with-mode R
or-mode B
. - Rewrite to get from sources in parallel. Currently they are run consecutively sorry!
- Wayback CDX Server API - BETA
- Common Crawl Index Server
- Alien Vault OTX API
- VirusTotal API (v2)
- Intelligence X SDK
Good luck and good hunting! If you really love the tool (or any others), or they helped you find an awesome bounty, consider BUYING ME A COFFEE! ☕ (I could use the caffeine!)
🤘 /XNL-h4ck3r