- Dolby & Sony apps and blobs are owned by Dolby™ and Sony™.
- Inherit the extra.mk repo from your device as shown
$(call inherit-product, vendor/sony/extra/extra.mk)
- Inherit the BoardConfigExtra.mk from your BoardConfig as shown
include vendor/sony/extra/BoardConfigExtra.mk
- Set Flags Accordingly in order to ship different modules
Flag | Description |
Ships libs for Dolby Atmos. |
Ships Sony's Camera Apps |
Ships Sony SideSense implementation from 1VI |
Ships misc Sony Apps e.g. Music pro etc. |
Ships Sony's Game controller app and needed layouts for various controllers. |
- Game Controllers might need this commit if dummy framework is being used from here
- Dolby's front end UI is shipped using XperiaModules from here
- Thanks to @saku-bruh for helping with various things.
- Thanks to @hellobbn for modifying needed libs.
- Thanks to @reiryuki for reference README.
- Thanks to everyone else who was involved in making this all work.