This is our Search Engine Project. It includes the following process:
Reading files from a given corpus, segmenting them into documents.
Parsing the corpus in batches of 50000 documents, one by one.
The parsing could be executed with or without stemming.
Indexing the terms of each batch:
creating posting files and writing information about the terms into them.
In addition, we create a file containing information about all the parsed documents and a united dictionary for the entire corpus.
project name : IR_SearchEngine java version 1.8.0
Run the project jar file Select a corpus path in the first text area by pressing browse Select a posting files path Click start to run processing the corpus
Reset button : clicking this button will delete all content in the selected posting files path
Load dictionary : will load the term dictionary to memory
Show dictionary : shows all the unique terms in the corpus with this total tf
Pre Query:
Press browse button to select an index path If the stemming option was selected on the corpus in part A,than select the stemming option again. Press 'load Dictionary' button to load the dictionary to the memory
Press browse button to select an text file path to enter some queries together, you can enable semantic option and press run Query.
Type query in the Query text area, you can enable semantic option and press run Query
Now, wait until the searching process is finish, then press 'show result' to see the results.
If you would like to choose document to see its entities,stand on the specific document row and press button 'Show Entities'.
Post Query:
If you would like to save the results, press button 'save result'.