CharaX is software that allows you to create a preference-configured chat AI.
cp .env .env.default
// and write your configuration.
// you must set the value of `OPENAI_API_KEY`.
make run-console // run in console
make run-slack // run in slack
Modify the setting.yaml file and rerun.
context: SaaS事業を展開しているスタートアップ企業
- この企業に紛れ込んだスパイ
- 頭が良い
default: 任務達成。
This is also released as a template project. Write your own setting.yaml and deploy it wherever you like.
Refer to this document to enable Socket Mode and grant the following permissions.
- channels:history
- chat:write
- group:history
- im:history
- mpim:history
- users:read
- users:write
Then, get an App-level token and a bot token.
2. Sign up for OpenAI
Create an OpenAI account and get an API token.
Set the tokens and user_id
of slack bot in the environment variable and execute.
make run-slack
Using okteto, you can quickly deploy an AI of your setting. When you deploy, set environment variables using the Okteto Secret.