Implementations of Amazon SageMaker-compatible custom containers for training.
- sagemaker-container and sagemaker-inference have been installed, refer to requirements.txt file in Dockerfile
Step 1: Run locally Run locally using debug mode so that launch.json has the key arguments to run successfully.
Step 2: Local mode with built in containers
Run script-mode-xgb/notebook/sagemaker-script-mode-xgb.ipynb
to train with sagemaker local mode with build in xgboost container
Output is created at environment variable module_dir
Step 3: Run Sagamake with HPO and custom metrics This is easier than running multiple job locally using different parameters
- content_type='application/x-parquet'
- content_type='text/csv'
scp -i ~/Documents/awskey/sg-aws-sandbox-keypair.pem ec2-user@ec2a2:/home/ec2-user/efs_project/audio-classification-aws/notebooks/ notebook/
Hyperparameter tuning: metric_definitions = [{'Name': 'average test loss', 'Regex': 'Test set: Average loss: ([0-9\.]+)'}]
from import TrainingJobAnalytics
metric_name = 'validation:rmse'
metrics_dataframe = TrainingJobAnalytics(training_job_name=job_name, metric_names=[metric_name]).dataframe()