- General
- Generators
- Authentication
- Boilerplate and Template
- Concurrency
- File Uploading
- Micro Frameworks inspired by Sinatra
- Routers
- Views
- Validation & Type Coercion
- Middleware
- Security
- Service Integration
- Server Side Rendering
- Stylesheets
- Testing
- Writing APIs
- Sinatra - Sinatra Official website.
- Sinatra on Github
- Sinatra Recipes - Community contributed recipes and techniques.
- Sinatra - The Book - A cookbook full of excellent tutorials and recipes for developing Sinatra web applications.
- Sinatra in the wild - Various applications, extensions and websites built with Sinatra.
- corneal - A Sinatra app generator with Rails-like simplicity.
- sinator - Sinatra application generator.
- hoboken - Sinatra project generator and templates.
- sinatra_warden - Authentication module for sinatra and some auth helpers.
- doorkeeper - Doorkeeper is an OAuth 2 provider.
- sinatra_omniauth - A Sinatra extension that provides pure OmniAuth goodness to your application (with DataMapper).
- sinatra-bootstrap - A demonstrator for Sinatra and Twitter's Bootstrap.
- sinatra_boilerplate - Basic template Sinatra website, with Twitter Bootstrap and ActiveRecord.
- sinatras-skeleton - Basic Sinatra Skeleton MVC CRUD App with Sprockets, Warden, ActiveRecord and PostgreSQL.
- scoop - A production-ready Sinatra boilerplate project using Corneal, ActiveRecord, Capistrano, Puma & Nginx.
- sinatra-activerecord-starter-kit - Sinatra Active Record Starter Kit.
- async_sinatra - A plugin for Sinatra to provide a DSL extension for using Thin for asynchronous responses.
- nesta - A lightweight CMS, implemented in Sinatra. Content can be written in Markdown or Textile and stored in text file
- carrierwave - A classier solution for file uploads for Rails, Sinatra and other Ruby web frameworks.
- nancy - Minimal Ruby microframework for web development inspired in Sinatra and Cuba.
- padrino - Padrino is a full-stack ruby framework built upon Sinatra.
- rack::app - Minimalist framework for building rack applications.
- scorched - Light-weight, DRY as a desert, web framework for Ruby.
- redis-sinatra - Redis stores for Sinatra.
- redis_dashboard - Sinatra app to monitor Redis servers.
- sinatra-activerecord - Extends Sinatra with ActiveRecord helper methods and Rake tasks.
- otr-activerecord - Off The Rails: Use ActiveRecord with Grape, Sinatra, Rack, or anything else!
- sinatra-router - A tiny vendorable router that makes it easy to try routes from a number of different modular Sinatra applications.
- sinatra-subdomain - Separate routes for subdomains in Sinatra apps.
- yard-sinatra - Display sinatra routes in yard documentation.
- sinatra-mapping - Sinatra::Mapping extension is a minimal module that is useful for create map names for Sinatra web application.
- sinatra-partial - Partials for Sinatra!
- kaminari-sinatra - Kaminari Sinatra adapter.
- sinatra-flash - Flash messages for the Sinatra.
- sinatra-redirect-with-flash - Provides redirect helper that can set proper flash before the redirection.
- sinatra-param - Parameter Validation & Type Coercion for Sinatra.
- amnesia - A Sinatra rack middleware that presents memcached server stats.
- rack_csrf - Anti-CSRF Rack middleware.
- rack-insight - Debugging toolbar for Rack applications implemented as middleware.
- encrypted_cookie - AES-128 encrypted session cookies for Rack (and Sinatra and other frameworks).
- snarkov - A hilarious Sinatra-based Markov bot for Slack.
- shopify-sinatra-app - Lightweight extension for building Shopify apps using Sinatra.
- react-sinatra - React on Sinatra Integration, Server Side Rendering.
- sinatra-asset-pipeline - An asset pipeline for Sinatra based on Sprockets.
- sprockets-helpers - Asset path helpers for Sprockets 2.0 applications.
- mock_server - A lightweight Sinatra application backed by sqlite that can mock ReST responses. Has interface to easily create, search & maintain mocks. No need to program mocks into a language specific implementation.
- rack-test - Rack::Test is a small, simple testing API for Rack apps.
- Pliny - An opinionated toolkit for writing excellent APIs in Ruby.
- sinatra-jsonp - JSONP output helper for Sinatra.
- sinatra-rest-api - Sinatra REST API generator.
- sinja - RESTful, {json:api}-compliant web services in Sinatra.