Pure Ruby GeoIP2 MaxMind DB reader, which doesn't require libmaxminddb.
You can find more information about the GeoIP2 database here.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'maxminddb'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install maxminddb
db = MaxMindDB.new('./GeoLite2-City.mmdb')
ret = db.lookup('')
ret.found? # => true
ret.country.name # => 'United States'
ret.country.name('zh-CN') # => '美国'
ret.country.iso_code # => 'US'
ret.city.name(:fr) # => 'Mountain View'
ret.subdivisions.most_specific.name # => 'California'
ret.location.latitude # => -122.0574
ret.to_hash # => {"city"=>{"geoname_id"=>5375480, "names"=>{"de"=>"Mountain View", "en"=>"Mountain View", "fr"=>"Mountain View", "ja"=>"マウンテンビュー", "ru"=>"Маунтин-Вью", "zh-CN"=>"芒廷维尤"}}, "continent"=>{"code"=>"NA", "geoname_id"=>6255149, "names"=>{"de"=>"Nordamerika", "en"=>"North America", "es"=>"Norteamérica", "fr"=>"Amérique du Nord", "ja"=>"北アメリカ", "pt-BR"=>"América do Norte", "ru"=>"Северная Америка", "zh-CN"=>"北美洲"}}, "country"=>{"geoname_id"=>6252001, "iso_code"=>"US", "names"=>{"de"=>"USA", "en"=>"United States", "es"=>"Estados Unidos", "fr"=>"États-Unis", "ja"=>"アメリカ合衆国", "pt-BR"=>"Estados Unidos", "ru"=>"Сша", "zh-CN"=>"美国"}}, "location"=>{"latitude"=>37.419200000000004, "longitude"=>-122.0574, "metro_code"=>807, "time_zone"=>"America/Los_Angeles"}, "postal"=>{"code"=>"94043"}, "registered_country"=>{"geoname_id"=>6252001, "iso_code"=>"US", "names"=>{"de"=>"USA", "en"=>"United States", "es"=>"Estados Unidos", "fr"=>"États-Unis", "ja"=>"アメリカ合衆国", "pt-BR"=>"Estados Unidos", "ru"=>"Сша", "zh-CN"=>"美国"}}, "subdivisions"=>[{"geoname_id"=>5332921, "iso_code"=>"CA", "names"=>{"de"=>"Kalifornien", "en"=>"California", "es"=>"California", "fr"=>"Californie", "ja"=>"カリフォルニア州", "pt-BR"=>"Califórnia", "ru"=>"Калифорния", "zh-CN"=>"加利福尼亚州"}}]}
Even if no result could be found, you can ask for the attributes without guarding for nil:
db = MaxMindDB.new('./GeoLite2-City.mmdb')
ret = db.lookup('')
ret.found? # => false
ret.country.name # => nil
ret.to_hash # => {}
It's also possible to access the database metadata.
db = MaxMindDB.new('./GeoLite2-City.mmdb')
db.metadata['build_epoch'] # => 1493762948
db.metadata # => {"binary_format_major_version"=>2, "binary_format_minor_version"=>0, "build_epoch"=>1493762948, "database_type"=>"GeoLite2-City", "description"=>{"en"=>"GeoLite2 City database"}, "ip_version"=>6, "languages"=>["de", "en", "es", "fr", "ja", "pt-BR", "ru", "zh-CN"], "node_count"=>3678850, "record_size"=>28}
A MaxMindDB instance doesn't do any write operation after it is created. So we can consider it as an immutable object which is 'thread-safe'.
maxminddb-docker: https://github.com/samnissen/maxminddb-docker
- Fork it ( http://github.com/yhirose/maxminddb/fork )
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create new Pull Request