Lead Cybersecurity Consultant @ Vosyn || U of T 2025 Electrical & Comptuer Engineering (Emphasis: Identity, Privacy, & Security) || PSU 2023 Computer Engineering (Minor: Cybersecurity)
Programming Languages: C, Python, Bash, Java, C#, C++, Terraform, Ansible, HTML, JavaScript, Verilog, MATLAB, Apex, LaTeX, CSS
Network Analysis Tools: Burp Suite, Wireshark, BUSMASTER, Standard Linux Networking Tools (Netcat, ifconfig, etc.)
Databases, Tools, and OS: Git, SQL, Redis, Flask, Docker, K8s, Azure, AWS, VirtualBox, Excel/VBA, Photoshop, Acrobat, Windows, Linux/Unix
Certifications: CompTIA Security+, CodePath Android Development (Android Studio), CodePath Cyber Security Course (Burp Suite)
Relevant Masters Coursework: Advanced Fuzzing, Web Scaling, Cloud Computing, Cybersecurity for CASE Vehicles
Relevant Undergrad Coursework: Computer and Network Security, Signals and Systems, Wireless Communications Systems and Security, Operating Systems Design and Construction, Computer Architecture, Systems Programming, Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Using strong skills in leadership and communication, as well as a culturally diverse and international mindset, aims to build upon technical skills and never stop learning.