This project provides a web application that interact with the Smart Contract deployed on the Rinkeby network blockchain. This application provides a way to claim stars, register and query using tokens.
On this project was used the concept of the ERC721 non-fungible tokens.
You can find informations about the Contract on:
- Star Notary Contract - 0x900e8298676f6f2dd829c8351a73d3ab3c3f6006
- Star Notary Creation Transactions - 0x127a884355f40f3c80695b0e8d57a82e7496f5821cf40ae5b789ffc3a4046297
Contract: 0x900e8298676f6f2dd829c8351a73d3ab3c3f6006
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
To run and test the project is necessar have installed:
Before install the project's dependencies is needs install the http-server as a global tool. Use the followinf command:
npm install -g http-server
To install all the dependecies of the project is necessary run the following command on the terminal on the same folder that are the package.json file:
npm install
After run this command the project will be prepare to be started.
On the same folder, where is located the index.html file, execute the following commando on the terminal:
After run the command http-server the application will be aavliable on the url http://localhost:8080.
On the Claim tab:
- Fill The required field (Star Name, Coordinates, Story and tokenId)
- The tokenID will be used to implement the ERC721 token and needs to be unique.
- Click on the Claim button.
- Wait for the dialog shown up with the information about the transaction.
On the Search tab:
- Fill the tokenID field and click on Search button
- Wait weither informations of the star found or the message not found.
I am the only contributor. For more details about my personal projects read Ythalo Rossy.
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Ythalo Rossy S. Lira - Initial work - Udacity Blockchain Developer
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the
- I am doing the Blockchain Developer course on Udacity
- I can see that the technology field is moving so quickly and inside that moviment are the Blockchain