Texting is a SMS/MMS framework that implements interfaces similar to ActionMailer.
- Convention over Configuration: Texting brings Convention over Configuration to your app for organizing your SMS/MMS implementations.
- Extremely Easy to Learn: If you know how to use ActionMailer, you already know how to use Texting. Send text messages asynchronously with ActiveJob at no learning cost.
- Testability: First-class support for testing SMS/MMS messages. No more hassle writing custom code or stubs/mocks for your tests.
While this gem is actively maintained, it is still under heavy development.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'texting'
Texxting itself doesn't send text messages. Instead, it uses an adapter to actually send them. As of writing, Texting only have support for Twilio and AWS SNS:
# Use Twilio:
gem 'twilio-ruby'
# Use AWS SNS:
gem 'aws-sdk-sns'
Support for more providers will be added in the future.
# app/messengers/tweet_messenger.rb
class TweetMessenger < ApplicationMessenger
def new_direct_message(message_id, user_id)
message = DirectMessage.find(message_id)
user = User.find(user_id)
text to: user.phone_number, body: <<~BODY.strip
Your follower #{user.name} juts sent you a direct message:
TweetMessenger.new_direct_message(message_id, user.id).deliver_now!
# => sends a text message immediately
TweetMessenger.new_direct_message(message_id, user.id).deliver_later!
# => enqueues a job that sends a text message later
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.