novel-chapter-scraper is a basic web crawler and scraper that gathers the latest chapters of novels from various websites and stores them in a database and notifies you with a telegram bot. This tool allows you to easily monitor and keep track of new releases without manually checking the websites.
- Scrapes new chapters from supported novel websites.
- Stores novel information and chapters in a database.
- Simple and easy-to-extend codebase for adding new scraping sources.
- Notifies the registered users via Telegram bot
Clone the repository:
git clone cd novel-chapter-scraper
Install the required dependencies:
go mod tidy
Set up your database:
The code can run with an empty database and you can register new novels and sites through telegram, if you need to thest right away, there is a method to populate the database.
cd novel-chapter-scraper/docker-compose docker-compose up
Run the code:
go run main
To run the scraper, execute the following command:
go run main
This will start the process of scraping the configured novel websites and saving the latest chapters to the database.
You can add new novel sources by extending the scraping logic inside the src/scrapers
directory. Each website should have its own scraper that adheres to the existing scraping format.
The configuration for the scraper, including database settings and scraping intervals, can be adjusted in the .env
file or a configuration file within the project. Make sure to update the following fields:
- Database Connection: Update your database credentials.
- Scraping Intervals: Define how often the scraper should check for new chapters.
Example .env
SCRAPE_INTERVAL=60 # in minutes
Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to add a new feature, fix a bug, or improve the documentation, feel free to open a pull request. Please make sure your changes are well-tested and documented.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.