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Rule Based Routing

Yuzerion edited this page Feb 6, 2025 · 8 revisions

Rule based routing

Experimental, not fully tested. Everything, including syntax, may change until it is considered complete and stable.


Rule has the following fields:

  • name - rule name (optional)
  • on - trigger condition (required, except name=default)
  • do - actions (required)


  • When no rule matches, default rule (if defined) will be executed
  • When no rule matches and default rule is not defined, request will be passed to reverse proxy
  • When do is set to pass, request will be passed through to reverse proxy


Like in linux shell, values that contains spaces and quotes should be quoted or escaped, i.e.

header Some-Header "foo bar"     # foo bar
header Some-Header 'foo bar'     # foo bar
header Some-Header foo\ bar      # foo bar
header Some-Header 'foo \"bar\"' # foo "bar"

Supported escape sequences:

  • \n - new line
  • \t - tab
  • \r - return
  • \\ - backslash
  • \" - double quote
  • \' - single quote
  • \ - space


Conditions seperated by:

  • | will be considered as OR
  • lines will be considered as AND
<condition> <args> [ | <condition> <args>...]


Condition Arguments Description
header <name> <value> match when request header <name> equals <value>
header <name> match on any request header <name>
query <name> <value> match when query parameter <name> equals <value>
query <name> match on any query parameter <name>
cookie <name> <value> match when cookie name equals <value>
cookie <name> match on any cookie <name>
form <name> <value> match when form value <name> equals <value>
form <name> match on any form value <name>
postform <name> <value> match when form value <name> equals <value>
postform <name> match on any form value <name>
method <method> match when request method equals <method>
path <path> match when request path matches glob <path>
remote <ip | cidr> match when client IP matches <ip> or <cidr>
basic_auth <username> <hashed_password> match when request basic auth username equals <username> and password equals <hashed_password>, <hashed_password> is bcrypt hashed value

postform vs form

They both returns the first value for the named component of

  • postform has the precedence order:

    1. application/x-www-form-urlencoded form body (POST, PUT, PATCH only)
    2. query parameters (always)
    3. multipart/form-data form body (always)
    • form: the POST, PUT, or PATCH request body

Basic auth

<hashed_password> can be generated with htpasswd -nbB '' some-password | cut -c 2-

Example basic auth rule:

    container_name: app
    labels: |
        - name: default
          do: require_basic_auth any
        - name: auth
          on: basic_auth user1 "$2y$0..." | basic_auth user2 "$2y$0..."
          do: pass

on.path glob syntax

Compile creates Glob for given pattern and strings (if any present after pattern) as separators.
The pattern syntax is:

       { term }

       `*`         matches any sequence of non-separator characters
       `**`        matches any sequence of characters
       `?`         matches any single non-separator character
       `[` [ `!` ] { character-range } `]`
                   character class (must be non-empty)
       `{` pattern-list `}`
                   pattern alternatives
       c           matches character c (c != `*`, `**`, `?`, `\`, `[`, `{`, `}`)
       `\` c       matches character c

       c           matches character c (c != `\\`, `-`, `]`)
       `\` c       matches character c
       lo `-` hi   matches character c for lo <= c <= hi

       pattern { `,` pattern }
                   comma-separated (without spaces) patterns


  • Actions are executed in order
  • Actions that returns afterwards must be the last action, e.g.:
    # invalid
    on: method GET
    do: |
      serve /static/index.html
      serve /static/404.html
    # invalid
    on: method GET
    do: |
      redirect /foo/bar
      serve /static/index.html
    # valid
    on: method GET
    do: |
      rewrite / /index.html
      serve /static


Action Arguments Returns Description
rewrite <from> <to> false rewrite request path from <from> to <to>
serve <path> true serve static files / directory from <path>
proxy <target> true proxy request to <target>
redirect <url | path> true redirect request to absolute <url> or relative <path>
error <status> <msg> true respond with status code <status> and <msg>
require_basic_auth <realm> true require basic auth with realm <realm>
set <field> <key> <value> false set <field> <key> to <value>
add <field> <key> <value> false add <value> to <field> <key>
remove <field> <key> false remove <key> from <field>
pass true pass request to reverse proxy

Set/Add/Remove fields

  • headers
  • query
  • cookies


# docker compose
    container_name: goaccess
      proxy.goaccess.rules: |
        - name: block POST and PUT requests
          on: method POST | method PUT
          do: error 403 "Not allowed"
        - name: websocket
          on: |
            header Connection Upgrade
            header Upgrade websocket
          do: pass
        - name: default
          do: |
            rewrite / /report.html
            serve /tmp/access

# Route file
    - name: websocket
      on: |
        header Connection Upgrade
        header Upgrade websocket
      do: pass
    - name: default
      do: |
        rewrite / /report.html
        serve /tmp/access

# config.yml
# same as above, under `entrypoint` section