This is a Vagrantfile for running a testing setup for ntopng. The first steps are:
- Install VirtualBox
- Install Vagrant
- Install vagrant plugin
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
- cd to the cloned directory
- Type in
vagrant up
to your terminal window - Type in
vagrant reload
to your terminal window
If you get errors about ntopng, issue a vagrant provision
. The provision command will install the main dependencies, the ntopng svn source code and the nbox package.
###Ntopng Dashboard
First you have to start ntopng:
- Type in
vagrant ssh
to your terminal window (default password: vagrant) cd ntopng
sudo ./ntopng
Now the dashboard can be accessed at Default user/password: admin/admin.
###Nbox Dashboard
The dashboard can be accessed at Default user/password: nbox/nbox.
##The headlines
IP Address | |
SSH | ssh [email protected] -p 2222 |
Ntopng Dashboard URL | |
Nbox Dashboard URL | |
###Shared directory
After the vagrant up, you will find the trunk
directory inside the cloned directory. This direcotory contains the ntopng source code.
Changes: Using bento/xenial64 add DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive on env