Creates a paraboloid tempaltes so they can be fabricated using flat materials. see:
An example instructable:
The output files of this script are similar to discs.svg and petals.svg from that instructable.
requires svgwrite to create svg files.
pip install svgwrite
Usage example:
python -n 8 -f 30 --max-r 35 --support-circle-size 10 --center-hole-size 4 --screw-offset 7
this creates a petal, assuming 8 petals per paraboloid. the parapoloid focus point is at 30cm; length of each petal is approx 35cm; the doughnut to mount the petals on (support circle) is 10 cm outer radius 4cm inner radius; the the offset of a screw holes from the cental of the support circle\ petal is 7cm
for more info on the math, look at the code, or at explanation.svg