ArmNoneEabiWizard v2.2 for Code::Blocks Release 16.01
Setup and Use
1, Download A Extended Scripted Wizard Plugin for Code::Blocks source code, Build the scriptedwizard.cbplugin
or Download prebuilt scriptedwizard.cbplugin from
2, Download Arm none eabi Wizard Plugin for Code::Blocks source code, Build the ArmNoneEabiWizard.cbplugin
or Download prebuilt ArmNoneEabiWizard.cbplugin from
3, Download and Install GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors, Set "GNU GCC Compiler for ARM" for GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors in Code::Blocks Compiler settings Dialog
4, Disable the Scripted wizard in Code::Blocks Manage plugins Dialog, Uncheck "Install system-wide,for all users of this machine (requires administrative rights)" and "Ask for confirmation if conflicts arise", Install the scriptedwizard.cbplugin and ArmNoneEabiWizard.cbplugin, Close Code::Blocks
5, Extract the templates.7z in the Code::Blocks Data folder in user's dir
6, Reboot Code::Blocks, Enable the Scripted wizard in Code::Blocks Manage plugins Dialog
7, Now New Project, Arm Embedded App will appear in New from template Dialog