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Repository files navigation (v6)

My personal site.


  • Responsive tuning on the nav & header
  • Responsive tuning on the main column view
  • Get better icons on the orrry
  • Write a better thanks page
  • Complete metadata tag (implemention)[]

The Orrery

At the top of my website ( is an orrery ( If you want to read more about what went into the project, you can check out the blog post ( Additionally, here's the data the code is based on (

Unfortunately the code to generate the orrery is currently coupled fairly tightly with my website itself, but I plan on moving it to its own repo at some point in the future. The orrery is constructed using SASS mixins, mostly, though this can be done far more efficiently a number of different ways, I'm sure. You can play around with it locally by cloning this repo and running npm start.


  • Run npm start — will install missing dependencies, run a local server, and begin a gulp watch task with live reload.


To deploy, run gulp deploy

Stuff used