An app that will record system audio and send it off to the Shazam API to be identified. For when your phone's microphone just can't quite capture the song well enough for Shazam to figure it out.

Go to the Releases Page on the right side of the GitHub repo and on the latest release you'll see a zip file attached named

Click that link to download the zip file, unzip it, and run WhatAmIHearing.exe
to open the app.
Settings are stored in a config.json
and history is stored in history.json
. Both files are kept right next to your WhatAmIHearing.exe
. When updating all you need to do is take those files from your previous version and put them next to the new WhatAmIHearing.exe
. If you're using your own API key, be sure to also bring in your ShazamApiKey.json
Shazam's API has a monthly quota of 500 requests per month on the free tier. To work around this the app supports using your own API key in place of the one I bundle with the app.
To get an API key:
- Go to and make an account.
- Go to and subscribe to the free tier. This should not require any additional info.
- Go to to see a new Shazam app created for you. Should be named something like
. - The Authorization section of that App contains the API key which can be pasted in the API Key text box in the app. WhatAmIHearing will immediately start using the new key without having to restart.
Feel free to ask me any question or report any issues by creating a new Issue.
Written in C# with WPF for the UI. Compiled with Visual Studio Community 2022 against .NET 6.0.
ZemotoCommon ( is my utility submodule containing classes that I use in all of my projects.
Uses POST calls to Shazam's API (see documentation at with the raw audio in the body for song detection.
NAudio ( used for recording, resampling, and playback. See the Recorder class for the meat of the logic.
Uses NAudio's WasapiLoopbackCapture
class to record system audio. Shazam allows for up to 500KB of audio to be sent to their API, so we record the maximum amount we can. As of NAudio v2.1 the recorder supports resampling the audio during recording so it is already in a format that Shazam will take once we are done.