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Ray is a unified framework for scaling AI and Python applications. However, it falls short in offering friendly type hints, particularly when it comes to working with the Actor.

To address this shortfall, sunray provides enhanced and more robust type hints.


pip install sunray

Let's vs.

Round 1: Build an actor

sunray ray
  • sunray returns Actor[Demo], but ray returns ObjectRef[Demo]
  • ray mypy raise error Type[Demo] has no attribute "remote"

Round 2: Get actor remote methods

sunray ray
  • sunray list all remote methods
  • ray list nothing

Round 3: Actor remote method call

sunray ray
  • sunray correctly provided parameter hints.
  • ray ...

Round 4: Annotate with Actor

sunray ray
  • with sunray, just annotate it with Actor[Demo].
  • with ray, I don't known.

Round 5: Stream

sunray ray
  • sunray correctly identified that stream returns a generator.
  • ray still returns ObjectRef.

Round 6: Unpack result

sunray ray
  • sunray will auto unpack tuple result if options specify unpack=True.
  • ray need to specify how many return numbers, so you need to count it.
  • ray mypy raise error 'RemoteFunctionNoArgs has no attribute "options"'.

Round 7: Get actor

sunray ray
  • sunray get_actor will return ActorHandle, and return Actor[Demo] if you specify with generic type.
  • ray just return Any.

Round 8: Call self remote method

sunray ray
  • sunray maintains a consistent calling convention, whether it's from internal or external functions.
  • ray, you need to first obtain the current actor from the running context, and then call through the actor.

Round 9: Lazy Computation

sunray ray
  • sunray can successfully track the input parameter types and output types.
  • ray does not have this capability.


sunray re-export all apis from ray.core with friendly type hints. In addition, sunray provides ActorMixin which is used to help creating more robust actors.


ActorMixin is a mixin, and provides a classmethod new_actor

import sunray

class Demo(
                       # Here to specify default actor options
    sunray.ActorMixin, name="DemoActor", num_cpus=1, concurrency_groups={"g1": 1}
    def __init__(self, init_v: int):
        self.init_v = init_v

    # annotate `add` is a remote_method
    def add(self, v: int) -> int:
        return self.init_v + v

    # support directly call remote_method
    def calculate(self, v: int) -> int:
        return self.add(v)

    # support specify remote method options
    async def sleep(self): ...

# construct the actor
actor = Demo.new_actor().remote(1)

# call remote method
ref = actor.methods.add.remote(1)

Better Remote Pdb

Support code highlighting and completion
Better display variable information
Support inspect variables
Support IPython magic funcs
Support time/timeit magic funcs

RPDB Environments

  • SUNRAY_REMOTE_PDB: Enable sunray as the pdb backend; otherwise, use ray. (Default yes)
  • SUNRAY_REMOTE_PDB_SHOW_LAYOUTS: If enabled, you will get a more user-friendly debug display. (Default yes)
  • SUNRAY_REMOTE_PDB_THEME: The pdb theme. (Default ansi_dark)