The code for Securday autonomous agent that assists in information security tasks.
Under the hood it uses langchain (a way to augment LLMs) that currently uses an web interface that will allow for basic information retrieval tasks (google search, searching shodan, google places) and has the goal of doing complex offensive and defensive security tasks using anything from a dumb phone to a smartphone. It is preprogramed with tools that it can intelligently use to accomplish certain tasks such as performing a search on shodan given an IP address.
Python 3.10+
#- Local operation curl
- A twilio acccount
- An OpenAI account
- A shodan API Key
- A wolfram alpha API key
- ngrok / cloudflare / static IP address
Create a virtualenv from
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
I use ngrok to make a public ip that can be consumed from twilio
ngrok http 5000
Install rabbitmq using the script
- Send your SMS texts to the Twilio Phone Number you have bought.
- If you are getting a 500 error check issues with the twilio console.
First start
Then start
Then start (at minium you need one of these).
If you aren't seeing SMSs flowing down to the flask server look at the twilio console. You probably don't have the phone number URL / IP correctly entered.
Using ngrok for development or initial setup is recommended but not required.
command to run if program contains helper info
If you contribute to the project for your first contribution if you accept I will buy you gyros either through a gift card or in person depending on where you are.
ex. Zitterbewegung
Special thanks to miniagi working out pentesting.
- 0.1
- Initial Release
- 0.2
- Added a web interface and added many tools. Reverse phone lookup to get information about a phone number, Virus total to see if a URL has a virus, censys to figure out if a location is an ip address and BashShell has been replaced with the new ShellTool in the latest version of langchain.
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the file for details
I have used an Miniagi with modifications so that it can be accessed through SMS. I have made it use a message queue and also to only do pentesting.