Open Cluster Management - Helm chart for the search component.
This Helm chart is replaced by the search-operator. Currently, we are in a transition state and both (chart and operator) are required to deploy the search component. The direction is to consolidate the deployment of all the search component parts with the operator and remove this Helm chart repo.
Log in to your cluster with the following command:
oc login --server=https://api.<your-cluster-ip>:6443
Create an image pull secret with your artifactory credentials:
oc create secret docker-registry -n open-cluster-management quay-secret \ --docker-username=< user> \ --docker-password=< token>
Clone this repo (
) on your local machine. -
Package the chart with the following command:
make build-local
Install the chart with the following command:
helm upgrade --install search \ --namespace open-cluster-management \ --set global.pullSecret=quay-secret \ stable/search-prod-2.2.0.tgz --tls