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Autoregressive Noisy Filtration Modeling


This repository contains the official implementation of the ANFM graph generative model:

Markus Krimmel, Jenna Wiens, Karsten Borgwardt, and Dexiong Chen. Towards Fast Graph Generation via Autoregressive Noisy Filtration Modeling, Preprint 2025.


ANFM models sequences of increasingly dense and detailed graphs. The final graph in a generated sequence should plausibly represent a sample from the target data distribution. Training proceeds in two stages, teacher-forcing and adversarial finetuning. In the first stage, the model learns from complete graph sequences that are constructed by a filtration strategy. In the second stage, the model is finetuned in free-running mode via reinforcement learning without constraints on intermediate graphs.

Training Stage I Training Stage II
Teacher-Forcing ( Adversarial Finetuning (


Create a conda environment with necessary dependencies:

conda env create -f environment.yaml

Copy the contents of (which is a modification of ORCA) to anfm/evaluation/orca. Then, compile orca by navigating to anfm/evaluation/orca and running g++ -O2 -std=c++11 -o orca orca.cpp.

Datasets will be automatically cached in a subdirectory of the current working directory called data. If applicable, create a corresponding symlink to an appropriate location.

Code Structure

This repository contains two main modules, anfm and molecule_labeling. The former implements our graph generative model, while the latter contains code for post-hoc labeling of nodes and edges. Below is the structure of the repository:

├── anfm/
│   ├── filtration/
│   │   └── ...                     # Various filtration functions and schedules
│   ├── data/
│   │   └── ...                     # Data generation and loading
│   ├── models/
│   │   └── ...                     # Architecture definitions
│   ├── evaluation/
│   │   └── ...                     # Standard MMD metrics
│   ├── configs/
│   │   └── ...                     # Configuration files for training
│   ├──                    # Entry point for teacher-forcing training
│   ├──                # Entry point for adversarial finetuning
│   └──                     # Entry point for evaluation
└── molecule_labeling/
    ├──                    # Entry point for training
    ├──      # Entry point for GuacaMol eval of topologies
    └── ...

Training ANFM

Training proceeds in two steps: teacher-forcing and adversarial finetuning. The checkpoint obtained from teacher-forcing is passed to the adversarial finetuning step. The code is intended to be run on a cluster and is designed to periodically (w.r.t. wall time) create a checkpoint and interrupt training. These interrupts are signaled by the return code 124. Configure your submission script to restart the job with the exact same command when this occurs. Training will be resumed from the last checkpoint. If you do not require this functionality, you may override the timelimit option to be sufficiently large (number of hours between interrupts).


The available configuration files are located in anfm/configs/teacher_forcing. Launch training with:

python -m anfm.train --config-name <CONFIG NAME><FIRST RUN DIR> <OVERRIDES>

Upon the first run, filtrations will be generated and stored as HDF5 shards in the data directory. Subsequent runs with the same filtration strategy and dataset configuration will load these pre-computed filtrations. The graph_tool package is known to cause issues when imported with other packages. In particular, issues may arise in combination with rdkit. If you wish to use the GuacaMol dataset, run python anfm/data/ to download necessary data independently of graph_tool imports that occur during training. Then, you may start training as detailed above.

Configuration Options

Below, we provide a non-exhaustive list of configuration options.

  • wandb: Parameters controlling logging to Weights & Biases.
  • hyper_parameters: General training parameters such as LR, batch size, etc.
  • filtration: Parameters for the filtration strategy.
    • filtration_size: The number of steps in the filtration, typically lower than 32.
    • filtration_fn: The filtration function, e.g. "dfs_edge_weight" or "line_fiedler".
    • schedule_fn: The filtration schedule, e.g. "linear_weight_filtration_v2" or "quantile_filtration".
    • noise_schedule: The noise schedule (i.e. the hyperparameter lambda).
  • model: Parameters controlling the model architecture.
  • num_devices: Number of GPUs to use. Note that modifying this will affect the global batch size.
  • num_steps: Number of training steps.
  • dataset: Parameters for setting up the dataset.
    • num_repetitions: How many noisy filtrations to generate for each graph. Increase this if overfitting is observed.

Practical Tips

  • Observe the validation loss on Weights & Biases to determine if the model is overfitting.
  • Increase the number of dataset repetitions if overfitting is observed. This is especially effective with DFS filtration.
  • When using small datasets with the line Fiedler filtration function, overfitting is likely. In that case, set dataloading.node_ordering_noise to be >0 to randomly perturb positional embeddings derived from the line Fiedler filtration. See anfm/configs/teacher_forcing/spectre_planar_line_fiedler.yaml for an example.

Adversarial Finetuning

The available configuration files are located in anfm/configs/gan.

python -m anfm.train_gan --config-name <CONFIG NAME><SECOND RUN DIR> pretrained_model_folder=<FIRST RUN DIR> pretrained_model_checkpoint=step_<NUM STAGE I STEPS>.ckpt <OVERRIDES>

Configuration Options

  • pretrained_model_folder: The folder containing the checkpoint from teacher-forcing.
  • pretrained_model_checkpoint: The checkpoint from teacher-forcing.
  • discriminator: Discriminator architecture
  • value_model: Value model architecture, shares same mixer backbone as generator
  • hyper_parameters: General training parameters for generator, value model, and discriminator such as LR, batch size, etc.

Practical Tips

  • Monitor how the discriminator loss (cross entropy) evolves on the training and validation sets. If the validation loss becomes substantially higher than the training loss, the discriminator may be overfitting.
  • In case of overfitting of the discriminator, try decreasing the number of layers and the hidden dimension of the discriminator. Decreasing discriminator_features.random_walk_pe_dim may also help.
  • The generator LR is typically chosen very small (e.g. 1e-7 or 1e-8)
  • If you experience oscillations in the generator reward, try lowering the generator learning rate. Try increasing the num_steps for the discriminator if the discriminator loss oscillates (may indicate that the discriminator is falling behind).

Pre-Trained Checkpoints

Coming soon.


We evaluate topologies generated by ANFM models via the anfm/ script. Namely, use the following command to evaluate a model:


This will compute various MMD metrics, inference time, and store samples from the model. If you get a CUDA error regarding an invalid configuration argument, try lowering the batchsize.

To evaluate molecule generation, we first invoke the evaluation script above to generate un-attributed topologies. Then we use molecule_labeling/ to perform post-hoc labeling and compute the GuacaMol metrics.

python -m molecule_labeling.evaluate_topologies --samples <PATH TO EVAL RESULTS>/all_samples.pkl --model <PATH TO VAE CHECKPOINT> --output <OUTPUT JSON FILE>

Customizing ANFM

Defining Custom Datasets

Take a look at anfm/data/ for an example of how to define a dataset. Essentially, one needs to inherit from and pass a list of networkx graphs to the superclass constructor. Filtrations are automatically generated and stored in HDF5 shards in the data directory.

Defining Custom Filtration Strategies

See anfm/filtration/{,,} for examples of how to define filtration functions. A filtration function takes a networkx graph as input and returns a pair consisting of edge weights and node weights. The edge weights are used to construct the filtration sequence, while the node weights are used to sort nodes to obtain positional embeddings. Import your custom filtration function in anfm/filtration/ to make it available from configuration files.

Training a Post-Hoc Labeler

Train a VAE to label GuacaMol molecules via:

python -m molecule_labeling.train<RUN DIR>


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