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Releases: KevsterAmp/PUPSIS-Schedule-Exporter

12 Mar 15:21
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  • added debug features on
  • fixed the bugs on popup.js
  • added the id
  • added worflow
  • documentation
  • optimized the build script:
  • optimized the build script to include packed and unpacked extension
  • added multiplatform support
  • fix last part of privacy policy document
  • add privacy policy
  • add new version to manifest


Installing the dev version:

  1. Download this zip folder
  2. Enable the developer mode on your chrome browser
  3. Load Unpacked
  4. Extract the zip downloaded click inside and select the web-extensions
  5. Pin the extension and enjoy to use


Due to Mozilla's policy, we're unable to publish this extension on Mozilla Add-ons (AMO). As a workaround, Firefox users can install the extension as a temporary add-on to run it.

Download for Firefox


To use this extension Chrome build, download the release version, extract it first, and add it as a temporary add-on via Chrome's extension settings.

Download for Chrome

Microsoft Edge

For Microsoft Edge, follow the same process as Chrome.

Download for Edge

pupsis-schedule-exporter (v4.0.1)

09 Sep 05:52
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Bug fixes

  • fix the wrong time schedule formatted on ics by @yam-1111

pupsis-schedule-exporter (v4.0.0)

21 Oct 04:18
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Major update by @yam-1111 on PR #8

Main Changes:

  • added a new feature called "edit my schedule" (ability to edit sched there are some cases that classes are set through class consensus rather than the actual schedule on SIS due to conflicts)
  • description both the ics and json are utilized getting the default value from the instructor name

Minor Changes:

  • modularized the popup.js functions into two files utils/exports.js and utils/helpers.js and applied the functions on the js through import statement
  • optimized the popup.js function handleclickevent into if else rather than nested loop
  • minimized the source code on popup.js from 150+ lines of code to 100+ only
  • added some documentation on helper and export functions


Screenshot from 2023-10-20 22-30-00

Screenshot from 2023-10-20 22-18-32

pupsis-schedule-exporter (v3.1.1)

07 Sep 06:33
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Main changes

Fixed code functionality to be able to get the PUPSIS schedule from the website. There were some changes on the website that made v1.0.0 not work.

Minor changes

Implemented export to via json button

Users can use the json file downloaded and import it to


added more pupsis links on the manifest.json matches list.

Regarding previous versions (v1.0.0 - v2.0.0)

This is the first release, because the author was not familiar with GitHub releases yet at that time.

I would like to thank to the major contributors of the previous version:

  • @egg-lou for developing the base UI/Styling of the extension
  • @yam-1111 for UI/Styling changes, as well as implementing a function to redirect the url to PUPSIS if the button was clicked inside a tab that was not in the PUPSIS
  • @szy-kenn for UI/Styling changes, and implementing the export to CSV feature