pupsis-schedule-exporter (v3.1.1)
Main changes
Fixed code functionality to be able to get the PUPSIS schedule from the website. There were some changes on the website that made v1.0.0 not work.
Minor changes
Implemented export to schedulemaker.io via json button
Users can use the json file downloaded and import it to schedulemaker.io
added more pupsis links on the manifest.json matches list.
Regarding previous versions (v1.0.0 - v2.0.0)
This is the first release, because the author was not familiar with GitHub releases yet at that time.
I would like to thank to the major contributors of the previous version:
- @egg-lou for developing the base UI/Styling of the extension
- @yam-1111 for UI/Styling changes, as well as implementing a function to redirect the url to PUPSIS if the button was clicked inside a tab that was not in the PUPSIS
- @szy-kenn for UI/Styling changes, and implementing the export to CSV feature