The Python Scene Languages (PSL) project study the different way by which scene can be described in SOFA.
The first release of PSL is now in the V1 branch and contains a first version of PSL for python, json and xml. We are currently designing V2.
The main branch is thus expected non functionnal and experimental.
Please make pull requests to submit ideas you want to discus in the peps directory.
Existing peps:
- pep #0 : Write python controller directly in the scene description language (PSL)
- pep #1 : Write cpython in the scene describtion language for high performance code (PSL)
- pep #2 : Macro langage to manipulate the PSL's AST. (PSL)
- pep #3 : Add "Python" keyword to write python code in the scene description langage (PSL)
- pep #4 : Add "properties" keyword to specify additional data field in the scene description langage (PSL)
- pep #5 : Add "Import" keyword to import scene description from external sources (PSL)
- pep #6 : Extends "Import" keyword to load directories (PSL)
- pep #6 : Proposal for writing "functional" like component (PSL)
- pep #7 : Draf about reactive programming (PSL)
- pep #8 : Making reusable assembly using the "Template" keyword (PSL)
- pep #9 : Implements python controller in the scene description language (PSL)
- pep #10: Hot Reload part of the scene graph at "Template" granularity when the file content change (PSL)
- pep #11: Import python files containing "Template"(PSL)
- pep #12: Describing SOFA components with type hints (PYTHON)
- pep #13: Common naming and glossary (ANY)