🔭 I’m currently a 3rd year CSE student at SRM University
🤖 I'm intersted in Machine Learning and Data Science
🤝 Ready to team up for projects :)
📫 How to reach me: [email protected]
🔭 I’m currently a 3rd year CSE student at SRM University
🤖 I'm intersted in Machine Learning and Data Science
🤝 Ready to team up for projects :)
📫 How to reach me: [email protected]
A multi-modal framework integrating clinical data and MRI imaging for Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis.
A UAV-Assisted Multi Scale Approach for Tree Detection and Canopy Segmentation
Jupyter Notebook 3
CNN model for fire detection using CCTV footage, built using TensorFlow and Keras, and is designed to classify whether a given image footage contains fire or not