Releases: bcgov/lear
Lear v2.94.0 (includes Digital Business Card)
Release ticket # 18233
Release report: Entities 19.4a
What's Changed
- feat: digital business card by @amanji in #2290
- change agmLocationChange pdf output list by @tshyun24 in #2284
- 17939 Emailer (AGM Location Change) by @leodube-aot in #2279
- 17821 update colin_api config by @kzdev420 in #2289
- 17939 Fix AGM Location Change QueueException by @leodube-aot in #2294
- 17929 added agm extension allowable actions by @PaulGarewal in #2293
- 18233 bump version nums by @argush3 in #2295
- 18370 Fix list of outputs AGM extension by @leodube-aot in #2291
- remove city of from agmLocationChange PDF by @tshyun24 in #2297
- fix: traction auth decorator (#2308) by @argush3 in #2309
Full Changelog: 2.93.0...2.94.0
Lear v2.93.0
Release ticket # 18232
Release report: Entities 19.3a
What's Changed
- 18000 Legal api: Remove documents from Coop Voluntary Dissolution List by @chenhongjing in #2238
- 17340 - Revert remove mailingAddress for directors for CP. by @seeker25 in #2254
- 17157 update fetch NR by @kzdev420 in #2255
- 18286 - Add in BECV - NR for Benefit to Limited Name Change is not working by @seeker25 in #2259
- 17157_update phone and email validation process by @kzdev420 in #2275
- 17214 -add 3 versions of expiry email: modernized, colin, neither by @bolyachevets in #2240
- 18163 AGM location change update filer and validations by @leodube-aot in #2258
- 17938 AGM Location Change Outputs by @chenhongjing in #2276
- bump version numbers up for release 19.3a by @JazzarKarim in #2283
Full Changelog: 2.92.0...2.93.0
Lear v2.92.0
Release ticket # 18061
Release report: Entities 19.2b
What's Changed
- 18030 added agml change location fee codes and tests by @PaulGarewal in #2228
- 17940 Validate AGM Location Change by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2230
- 18025 agm location change update db by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2235
- 17487 - CSR Correction Outputs by @Jxio in #2200
- 18026 Add allowable actions for AGM location change by @leodube-aot in #2229
- 18026 Added not in good standing unit tests by @leodube-aot in #2236
- display name properly on pdf when last name only by @tshyun24 in #2232
- 18052 added agm extension fee codes and tests by @PaulGarewal in #2237
- bump version numbers for release 19.2b by @JazzarKarim in #2239
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 2.91.0...2.92.0
Lear v2.91.0
Release ticket # 17833
Release report: Entities 19.2a
What's Changed
- 17638 fixed missing province in newly created firm outside us and can… by @PaulGarewal in #2191
- 17447 add auth to colin api calls by @argush3 in #2192
- updated design for expired nr letter by @bolyachevets in #2193
- 17638 Made regions all optional for business office, business party a… by @PaulGarewal in #2196
- sftp-icbc-report and sftp-nuans-report broken on PROD#17739 by @stevenc987 in #2197
- colin-api: added good standing logic by @kialj876 in #2198
- 17443 Add debug logging by @argush3 in #2201
- 17447 Remove unnecessary logging by @argush3 in #2202
- fix letter typos by @bolyachevets in #2204
- colin-api: good standing is false if in LIQ, LRL or LRS by @kialj876 in #2207
- colin-api: good standing bug fix by @kialj876 in #2208
- 17833 bump version numbers by @argush3 in #2224
New Contributors
- @PaulGarewal made their first contribution in #2191
Full Changelog: 2.90.0...2.91.0
Lear v2.90.0
Release ticket # 17294
Release report: Entities 18.5a
What's Changed
- Sre emails by @bolyachevets in #2174
- 17348 - Change SR correction to be consistent with other correction filings by @Jxio in #2178
- 16978 Added extra validation to special resolution correction by @ChrisGabel23 in #2175
Full Changelog: 2.89.0...2.90.0
Lear v2.89.0
Release ticket # 17198
Release report: Entities 18.4a
What's Changed
- Fix certified by for special resolution. by @seeker25 in #2169
- 17171 compare sorted name by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2171
- bump version numbers up for release 18.4a by @JazzarKarim in #2172
Full Changelog: 2.88.0...2.89.0
Lear v2.88.0
Release ticket # 17197
Release report: Entities 18.3a
What's Changed
- 15320 format par value by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2167
- 17197-update version for release by @ketaki-deodhar in #2168
Full Changelog: 2.87.0...2.88.0
Lear v2.87.0
Release ticket: 17074
Release report: Entities Sprint 18.2b Release
What's Changed
- 17028 Remove Dye & Durham references - Feature Flag by @chenhongjing in #2138
- 16579 - Alterations - Allow other name request types for alterations by @seeker25 in #2148
- bump version numbers up for release 18.2b by @JazzarKarim in #2162
Full Changelog: 2.86.0...2.87.0
Lear Release 2.86.0
Release ticket # 16898
Release report: Entities 18.2a
What's Changed
- colin-api updates to support getting all parties / address types by @kialj876 in #2125
- 16466 - Documents changes + Move requirements.txt back to bcgov. by @seeker25 in #2123
- 16160_2 - Emailer attachment text change and few outputs path change by @Jxio in #2126
- 16160 - Correction filing recipients fix and sr correction template update by @Jxio in #2131
- 16466 - QA/ UX tweaks for outputs by @seeker25 in #2130
- return email in get business resp by @kialj876 in #2136
- 16466 - Fix outputs for corrections. Fix data missing for certificateOfNameCh… by @seeker25 in #2133
- Typo in resolutionApplicationCorrection.html by @seeker25 in #2141
- 16898 bump version numbers by @argush3 in #2143
Full Changelog: 2.85.0...2.86.0
Lear Release 2.85.0
Release ticket: 16897
Release report: Entities Sprint 18.1a Release
What's Changed
- 16730 Dynamically configure number of email resending by @chenhongjing in #2102
- 16167 Special Resolution Outputs by @kzdev420 in #2098
- 15955 filer bug fix - correction on a special resolution correction by @Jxio in #2100
- 16858 Set Correction Filing Status as PENDING_CORRECTION by @kzdev420 in #2109
- 16916 Suppress Certificate Dissolution for Admin Dissolution by @kzdev420 in #2115
- 16160 - EMAILER - Special Resolution and Correction by @Jxio in #2110
- 16897 Bump version numbers up by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2117
- Special Resolution - Outputs - Minor fixes based on UX and testing by @seeker25 in #2119
- 16916 suppress admin certificate dissolution at email by @kzdev420 in #2122
- 15955_2 - Special Resolution correction backend bug fix by @Jxio in #2118
- 16466 - Changes for special resolution correction reporting by @seeker25 in #2120