Releases: bcgov/lear
Lear v2.84.0
Release ticket: 16564
Release report: Entities Sprint 17.6b Release
What's Changed
- 15955 special resolution correction by @Jxio in #2089
- Fix emailer q_cli by @argush3 in #2097
- 16824 continuation out - business summary by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2101
- 16848 - Add in context for schema errors - this should provide the user with … by @seeker25 in #2103
- Bump version numbers up for release 17.6b by @JazzarKarim in #2105
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 2.83.0...2.84.0
Lear v2.83.0
Release ticket # 16565
Release report: Entities 17.6a
What's Changed
- 16460 helper func LegislationDatetime by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2091
- 16460 update filer to use as_utc_timezone_from_legislation_date_str helper function by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2092
- 16460 using format_as_legislation_date by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2093
- 16743 bump entity bn version num by @argush3 in #2094
- bump version numbers for release 17.6a by @JazzarKarim in #2096
- 16786 continuation out date should be greater than or equal to the consent filing date by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2095
Full Changelog: 2.82.0...2.83.0
Lear v2.82.0
Release ticket # 16347
Release report: Entities 17.4b
What's Changed
- 16120 Update allowable actions - Continuation Out for Corporations by @kzdev420 in #2050
- Add in or '', which gets rid of the scenario where the optional field… by @seeker25 in #2067
- 16258 Legal API - Update allowable actions on filing completion by @chenhongjing in #2064
- 16254 Add continuation out postman test by @argush3 in #2070
- 16255 Continuation Out validation by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2065
- Bump version number for release 17.4b by @chenhongjing in #2072
- 16121 Legal API - List of Outputs - Continuation Out for Corporations by @chenhongjing in #2073
- Fix skipped email tracker tests by @argush3 in #2074
- 16537 cco foreign jurisdiction and 16543 update validation by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2075
- 16645 - LEGAL-API - Document rendering performance improvements by @seeker25 in #2079
- 16537 filer update by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2078
- Performance tweaks for retrieving business object by @argush3 in #2080
- Continuation Out Filer for Corporations by @kzdev420 in #2077
- 16539 update consent letter by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2083
- Bump version number of emailer for release 17.4b by @chenhongjing in #2086
- 16554 Legal API - Business Start Date validation for Firm Registration and Correction by @chenhongjing in #2084
- 16658 using v2 save filings by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2087
- 16123 - Email Template and Send - Continuation Out by @ChrisGabel23 in #2071
- 16580 update completed filings blocker check logic by @kzdev420 in #2085
- 15988 business in limited restoration is not in good standing by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2088
- 16743 bump entity bn version num @argush3
Full Changelog: 2.81.0...2.82.0
Lear v2.81.0
Release ticket # 16346
Release report: Entities 17.4a
What's Changed
- 16041 Consent Continuation Out filing for general user by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2048
- 16432 - Letter of Consent Edits as per UX Recommendations by @ChrisGabel23 in #2049
- Bump version numbers for release 17.4a by @chenhongjing in #2059
New Contributors
- @chenhongjing made their first contribution in #2059
Full Changelog: 2.80.0...2.81.0
Lear v2.80.0
Release ticket # 16307
Release report: Entities 17.3b
What's Changed
- 16147 - Special Resolution Backend changes for Rules / Memorandum and resolution by @seeker25 in #2015
- bump sentry sdk version by @bolyachevets in #2013
- Remove teardown, it takes away the ability for launch darkly to detec… by @seeker25 in #2036
- 15047 Letter of Consent for Continuation Out by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2037
- 15283 Legal API - update existing auth methods to use allowable actions by @kzdev420 in #2029
- 16135 avoid deadlock in update legal filings job by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2038
- Revert "16135 avoid deadlock in update legal filings job" by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2039
- 15212 - Email Template and Send - Consent for Continuation Out by @ChrisGabel23 in #2041
- 15749 Freeze BEN Companies on colin IA by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2045
- 16374 Fix draft filing allowable actions bug by @argush3 in #2046
- Bump version numbers up for release 17.3b by @JazzarKarim in #2047
- 16254 Change Consent Continuation Out filing fee code by @kzdev420 in #2040
Full Changelog: 2.79.0...2.80.0
LEAR Release 2.79.0
Release ticket # 16014
Release report: Entities 17.3a
What's Changed
- 15045 Add ConsentContinuationOut Filer by @kzdev420 in #2008
- 15045 Fix CCO Filer Outstandng Issue by @kzdev420 in #2031
- 16240 include user credentials in cra header by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2032
Full Changelog: 2.78.0...2.79.0
Lear v2.78.0
Release ticket # 15999
Release report: Entities 17.2a
What's Changed
- 15977 - Update change of name so it provides a billing code. by @seeker25 in #2003
- 15966 update limited restoration extension validation to not allow name change by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2004
- Small tweak to json_legal_type, also small unit test fix. by @seeker25 in #2006
- Fix to look in registration by @seeker25 in #2007
- 14953 - Fixing up the Business Summary expiry dates by grabbing date from different source. by @ChrisGabel23 in #2009
- 15894 display name change for COA and COD, title change in report by @vysakh-menon-aot in #2010
- 15999 bump version nums by @argush3 in #2014
Full Changelog: 2.77.0...2.78.0
Lear v2.77.0
Release ticket # 15843
Release report: Entities 16.7a
What's Changed
- add restoration email templates using jinja blocks by @jonathan-longe in #1980
- 13535 BEN Correction by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1992
- 13535 fix by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1993
- 15589 - Backend changes for SR memorandum update. by @seeker25 in #1994
- 15836 outstanding allowable actions work by @kzdev420 in #1991
- 15915 updated limited restoration extension expiry date by @kzdev420 in #1995
- 14746 last_ar_reminder_year model change by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1996
- 14746 updated ar reminder by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1997
- 15958 Fix restoration application output bug by @argush3 in #1998
- 14953 - Attempting to fix the problem with Business Summary by @ChrisGabel23 in #1999
- 14953 Fix business summary expiry date issue by @argush3 in #2000
- Fix dissolution related business summary bug by @argush3 in #2001
- Bumped version numbers up for release 16.7a by @JazzarKarim in #2002
- 16049 Update allowable actions to allow dissolution filings for firms by @argush3 in #2012
Full Changelog: 2.76.0...2.77.0
LEAR v2.76.0
Release ticket: #15680
Release report: Entities Sprint 16.6a Release
What's Changed
- 15681 Update BN functionality for SP/GP by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1970
- 15681 config update by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1971
- remove auth check on business json for now by @kialj876 in #1974
- Backend for Special Resolution Rules Update by @ritvick in #1977
- Legal API: allowed actions fixes by @kzdev420 in #1975
- 15548 Fix allowable actions dissolution filing sub-type issue by @argush3 in #1981
- 14672 restoration validation by @argush3 in #1984
- 14672 Update business schema version by @argush3 in #1985
- 14672 Update restoration validation logic by @argush3 in #1987
- 14674 filer extension conversion limited restoration by @JazzarKarim in #1986
- 14953 - Update Business Summary to include details on restorations by @ChrisGabel23 in #1982
- 15680 bump version numbers by @argush3 in #1988
Full Changelog: 2.75.0...2.76.0
Lear v2.75.0
Release ticket # 15454
Release report: Entities 16.5a
What's Changed
- update contact phone number by @eve-git in #1957
- secured protected business endpoints with auth check by @kialj876 in #1958
- Legal API: validate restoration NR request type code by @kzdev420 in #1959
- Updated version for release 16.5a by @JazzarKarim in #1960
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 2.74.0...2.75.0