Releases: bcgov/lear
Lear v2.74.0
Release ticket # 15215
Release report: Entities 16.4a
What's Changed
- 14641 Update model for Restoration by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1910
- 15114 Fix entity pay bug by @argush3 in #1914
- 14641 restoration by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1915
- 14641 fix by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1917
- 15114 Revert code in entity pay to use payment id to find filing by @argush3 in #1916
- 15091: Updated document list for Restorations by @ChrisGabel23 in #1913
- 14418 Add AR support to corps pipeline by @argush3 in #1920
- 15043 Fee codes and allowable filings for Consent Continuation Out by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1919
- 15050 Consent Continuation Out validation by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1921
- 15230 Certificate of Restoration by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1922
- 2180 include owner when businessNumber is unavailable by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1923
- Fix auth bug for restoration filings by @argush3 in #1938
- 15176 get affiliated businesses by @kialj876 in #1937
- Updated version number 16.3a by @JazzarKarim in #1939
- To fix all notebook reports Sent but not delivered Issue#2247 by @stevenc987 in #1942
- 7503_update_error_message by @ozamani9gh in #1941
- 7503_change_alteration_message by @ozamani9gh in #1944
- Update NUANS notebook report for SP/GP#15484 by @stevenc987 in #1946
- 15281 Add allowable actions to business response by @argush3 in #1940
- 15479 Fix NR validation logic for restorations by @argush3 in #1945
- 15501 Update firm affiliation pipeline by @argush3 in #1947
- 15534 certificate of restoration wording fix by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1948
- 15273 affiliaitons data endpoint by @kialj876 in #1949
- 15281 Remove full restoration for COOPs from allowable actions by @argush3 in #1950
- fixed lint err on == None in sqlalchemy comp by @kialj876 in #1951
- 14642 Add restoration application outputs by @argush3 in #1952
- 14642 Update restoration application outputs by @argush3 in #1953
- 14642 Update restoration application outputs based on UXA feedback by @argush3 in #1954
- 14642 Update numbered legal name suffix used for restoration application outputs by @argush3 in #1955
- Updated version number by @JazzarKarim in #1956
New Contributors
- @JazzarKarim made their first contribution in #1939
- @ozamani9gh made their first contribution in #1941
Full Changelog: 2.73.0...2.74.0
LEAR Release 2.73.0
Release ticket # 15166
Release report: Entities 16.2c
What's Changed
- 14988 add completing party into recipients (alteration, changeOfRegistration) by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1903
- 15003 set common LOG_LEVEL from environment var by @jonathan-longe in #1898
- 14639 restoration validation by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1902
- 14639 validation fix by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1904
- 15003 - default to 'ERROR' string not integer by @jonathan-longe in #1906
- 15123 update taxId validation by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1905
- 15114 Update create invoice logic to pass filing id by @argush3 in #1907
- 15114 Update entity pay to support payment queue message with filing id and corp type code fields by @argush3 in #1908
- 15114 Fix no app context issue in entity pay by @argush3 in #1909
- Update version for release 16.2c by @ketaki-deodhar in #1911
- 15114 Update entity pay to support new args(filing id and corp type) by @argush3 in #1912
- 15114 entity pay cherry pick commits by @argush3 in #1918
Full Changelog: 2.72.0...2.73.0
LEAR Release 2.72.0
Release ticket: 14575
Release report: Entities 16.2b
What's Changed
- Feature/13480 Freeze unfreeze patch by @ritvick in #1880
- 12777 - Add in details field for invoice. This allows us to move some LEAR sp… by @seeker25 in #1881
- 13506 clean up the diff section by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1879
- 13506 clean up the diff section in correction - filer by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1882
- 14978 Add fee code and allowable filings support for restoration filings by @argush3 in #1887
- 14969 optional court order in IA by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1889
- 13506 clean up the diff section in correction - emailer by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1888
- 14955 - remove all Sentry logging calls by @jonathan-longe in #1891
- 14978 Add fee code and allowable filings for restoration filings by @argush3 in #1892
- 14417 model update for corps by @argush3 in #1893
- Update entity pay to skip unprocessable messages and update back off retry count by @argush3 in #1899
- 14417 Update model listener for share_class and share_series by @argush3 in #1900
- 14417 Update corps pipeline to support IA filing by @argush3 in #1896
- 14575 bump version nums by @argush3 in #1901
- 14791 Fixed which date was being used for Recognition Date by @ChrisGabel23 in #1895
New Contributors
- @jonathan-longe made their first contribution in #1891
Full Changelog: 2.71.0...2.72.0
LEAR Release 2.71.0
Release ticket: 14576
Release report: Entities 16.1a
What's Changed
- (cherry picked) 14969 optional court order in IA by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1889
- 14576 bump version nums by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1878
- 13978 set provisionsRemoved only through alteration by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1877
- 14815 show current registrar's signature in annual report by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1876
- 14844 jupyter report by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1874
- 13480 Backend support for freeze and unfreeze filing by @ritvick in #1865
- 13504 correction document by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1868
- 14844 remove sentry errors by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1872
- 14604 uploaded court order - filer by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1871
- 14604 uploaded court order by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1869
- 14284 Reverted code changes due to business requirements change by @ChrisGabel23 in #1866
- 14620 Correction of name translation by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1867
- 14486 extract COLIN corp data script by @argush3 in #1862
LEAR Release 2.70.0
Release ticket: 14574
Release report: Entities 15.6b
What's Changed
- 14689 Fix alteration validation issue for BC/ULC/CC legal types by @argush3 in #1853
- 14689 Update alteration validation logic for corps by @argush3 in #1855
- 14517 Update dissolution validation to use BC_CCC instead of CCC_CONTINUE_IN by @lambert-alex in #1854
- 14519 Update entity-filer to support Correction of ULC, CCC, BC by @lewischenstudio in #1837
- 14257-Upgrade CI/CD. by @mengdong19 in #1859
- 13503 Correction - Validator Update by @lmallika86 in #1860
- 14596 use idp guid to uniquely identify users by @bolyachevets in #1850
- 14574 bump version nums by @argush3 in #1861
- 14759 update correction validation (#1864) by @argush3 in #1873
New Contributors
- @mengdong19 made their first contribution in #1859
- @bolyachevets made their first contribution in #1850
Full Changelog: 2.69.0...2.70.0
Lear Release 2.69.0
Release ticket 14573
Release Report 15.6a
What's Changed
- Name Request legal type validation for alteration by @lekshmimallika-aot in #1836
- 14535 Generate BN request (skip processing) if BN15 is not available instead of generating the Sentry errors by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1835
- 14284 Restrict ULC/CCC to custom Incorporation Agreement only by @ChrisGabel23 in #1838
- 14573 Update version for 15.6a release to test by @lambert-alex in #1852
New Contributors
- @ChrisGabel23 made their first contribution in #1838
Full Changelog: 2.68.0...2.69.0
Lear Release 2.68.0
Release ticket # 14463
Release report
What's Changed
- 14282 Update dependencies by @argush3 in #1821
- 14282 Update dependencies by @argush3 in #1823
- 13429 Convert NR email format to text by @pwei1018 in #1824 (this change is released to prod separately)
- 14282 Update dependencies by @argush3 in #1827
- 12672 Court Order in Business Summary by @lekshmimallika-aot in #1826
- 14410 Update business-schemas to allow alteration corrections by @lambert-alex in #1828
- 14282 Create initial corps data migration pipeline by @argush3 in #1829
- 14518 Updates to show noticeOfArticles output for Correction, Alteration, Change of Address, Change of Directors by @lekshmimallika-aot in #1830
- 14524 Fix future effective date serialization error by @argush3 in #1832
- 14513 Include Court Order in IA validation by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1831
- 14463 version update by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1833
- 14528 Fix json serialization and partial update issues by @argush3 in #1834
Lear 2.67.0
Release ticket # 14368
Release report
What's Changed
- Document list updates for AR by @lekshmimallika-aot in #1815
- Add idp userid to users table. by @pwei1018 in #1816
- Party middle name in statement of registration by @lekshmimallika-aot in #1819
- 14303 Annual Report Outputs by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1818
- 14339 AR reminder for ULC, CCC, BC by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1817
- Add login source to users table. by @pwei1018 in #1820
- 15.5a Update release versions by @lambert-alex in #1822
Full Changelog: 2.66.0...2.67.0
LEAR Release 2.66.0
Release ticket # 14242
Release report
What's Changed
- Fix: Business Summary not getting downloaded when the from legal type is 'C' by @lekshmimallika-aot in #1794
- 14190 Add new corp num support for ULC and CCC by @argush3 in #1796
- 14190 Add mapping for numbered company legal name suffixes by @argush3 in #1797
- 14190 Update IA filer processor to support ULC, CCC and BC by @argush3 in #1798
- 14191 numbered description by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1799
- 14236 bump version num by @argush3 in #1800
- 14190 Revert unneeded colin api change by @argush3 in #1801
- 14188 Update allowable filings for staff and user by @argush3 in #1802
- 14191 email template updates for ULC, CC and BC by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1803
- 14250 admin override bn9 to empty by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1804
- 14254 Update document list and ledger display name for IAs to support ULC, CC and BC by @argush3 in #1806
- IA Validator updates for ULC, CC and BC by @lekshmimallika-aot in #1805
- 14219 bootstrap with legalType by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1807
- 14277 Fix registration app output download issue when business.tax_id is null by @argush3 in #1808
- 14163 Verify that pdfs have the correct page size. by @lambert-alex in #1795
- Fix - Records office not getting displayed in any reports by @lekshmimallika-aot in #1810
- 14341 include corpSubTypeCode when not none by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1812
- 14321 Allow filings for BC, CC, ULC by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1813
- 14305 Annual report for ULC, CC and BC by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1814
- release 15.4b by @ketaki-deodhar in #1811
New Contributors
- @ketaki-deodhar made their first contribution in #1811
Full Changelog: 2.64.0...2.66.0
LEAR Release 2.65.0
Release ticket:
Release report:
What's Changed
Release ticket:
Release report:
What's Changed
- Fix: Business Summary not getting downloaded when the from legal type is 'C' by @lekshmimallika-aot in #1794
- 14190 Add new corp num support for ULC and CCC by @argush3 in #1796
- 14190 Add mapping for numbered company legal name suffixes by @argush3 in #1797
- 14190 Update IA filer processor to support ULC, CCC and BC by @argush3 in #1798
- 14191 numbered description by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1799
- 14236 bump version num by @argush3 in #1800
- 14277 Fix registration app output download issue when business.tax_id is null by @argush3 in #1809
Full Changelog: 2.64.0...2.65.0