Releases: bcgov/lear
Releases · bcgov/lear
Lear Release 2.64.0
Release ticket: 14122
Release report: Entities Sprint 15.3b Release
What's Changed
- 13181 Legal API: outputs will display 'Not Available' if information is missing by @lewischenstudio in #1761
- 13992 Sentry error less than 3 directors by @lambert-alex in #1769
- 14004 BN Administrative - Improvement by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1772
- 14059 Bug fix - Incorrect registrar stamp in the CP dissolution affidavit by @lekshmimallika-aot in #1773
- 13433 LEGAL-API / FILER - Backend work for Rules and Memorandum by @ritvick in #1767
- 14073 unable to download business summary output by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1784
- 14061 Fix - Affidavit not getting charged in CP dissolution by @lekshmimallika-aot in #1786
- 14156 Bug fix - Partner change info missing in change of registration appli by @lekshmimallika-aot in #1790
- 14097 update address fields to empty when none - reports by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1789
- 14122 bump up version by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1792
- 14182 Fix NAICS validation issue for firm corrections by @argush3 in #1791
- 14071 do not show BN9 in reports by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1779
Lear Release 2.63.0b
Release ticket: Entities Bugfix 15.3a Release
Release report: Entities: Sprint 15.3a Release
What's Changed
- 14136 bump version num by @argush3 in #1788
- 14120 Update party first and middle name validation for BEN & COOP IAs by @argush3 in #1788
Full Changelog: 2.63.0a...2.63.0b
Lear Release 2.63.0a
Lear Release 2.63.0
Release ticket: 14021
Release report: Entities Sprint 15.2a Release
What's Changed
- 14021 bump version by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1766
- SP/GP pipeline - update party cleaning logic to support more bad data scenarios by @argush3 in #1760
- 13979 skip retrying resubmit bn request by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1742
- SP/GP pipeline - fix business founding date issue by @argush3 in #1744
- 12918 SP/GP pipeline - add support for ADFIRM events with no filings by @argush3 in #1740
Lear Release 2.62.0b
Release ticket: 14022
Release report: Entities Sprint 15.2a-Oct25-PatchRelease
What's Changed
- 14022 bump version nums by @argush3 in #1762
- 13997 Removed start date validation for firms conversion by @lekshmimallika-aot in #1748
Full Changelog: 2.62.0...2.62.0b
Lear Release 2.62.0
Release ticket: 13851
Release report: Entities Sprint 15.1a Release
What's Changed
- 13754 SP/GP pipeline - update ledger text to map to filings comment for dissolution filing by @argush3 in #1704
- 13802 SP/GP pipeline - BN bug fix and update to save logic by @argush3 in #1705
- 12882 Dissolution date in state filings in summary by @lekshmimallika-aot in #1706
- 13668 endpoint for BN Move by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1700
- 11995 send email with BN move by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1707
- REPORTS - create a firms by city/postcode report#12806 by @stevenc987 in #1708
- 11995 reset vault by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1709
- 13126 Template changes to support organization as completing party by @lekshmimallika-aot in #1713
- 13834 Add dissolution date to filing meta data by @argush3 in #1711
- 13183 Fix - Unable to download Amended Statement of Registration for data loaded firm by @lekshmimallika-aot in #1714
- 13572 updated all BN services to publish for search-solr-updater by @kialj876 in #1710
- 13851 bump version nums by @argush3 in #1715
- 13036 13833 13774 Dashboard output fixes by @lambert-alex in #1712
- 13330 New update method for share class by @lewischenstudio in #1688
- 13036 Recognition date is the registration date. by @lambert-alex in #1717
- 13785 Business name history on the Business Summary PDF by @lewischenstudio in #1716
- 12922 Added put back on and admin dissolution to business summary by @lekshmimallika-aot in #1719
- 13429 convert email template. by @pwei1018 in #1718
- 13429 convert email template by @pwei1018 in #1721
- 13888 Unable to file Registrars Notation, Court order, Conversion filing by @lambert-alex in #1722
- 13547 SP/GP pipeline - fix unable to find corrected filing id issue by @argush3 in #1724
- 13901 Conversion Filer Fix - Update party without address by @lekshmimallika-aot in #1723
- 13897 not provide conversion todo when pending conversion filing exists by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1725
- 13834 Update filer to use dissolution date in filing for voluntary dissolution filings by @argush3 in #1727
- Multiple affiliation fix by @seeker25 in #1728
- filer fix by @lekshmimallika-aot in #1730
- Entity filer fix by @seeker25 in #1731
- Fix - Filer not setting party tax id by @lekshmimallika-aot in #1733
- Filer fix by @lekshmimallika-aot in #1736
- Fix failing test in filer by @lekshmimallika-aot in #1737
- 13587 registrars notation filing while updating tax_id (BN Move) by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1739
Lear Release 2.61.0
Release ticket: 13758
Release report: Entities Sprint 14.6b Release
What's Changed
- 13688 Add k6 performance tests for load business flow by @argush3 in #1696
- update account lookup to return accounts not affiliated with the current user by @thorwolpert in #1680
- 13660 misc updates and bug fixes to SP/GP pipeline by @argush3 in #1699
- 12421 legal-api - missing business info warning check returning warnings for deleted/ceased partners by @lewischenstudio in #1695
- Bug fixes by @lekshmimallika-aot in #1701
- 13784 SP/GP pipeline update to push contact info to auth and misc updates by @argush3 in #1702
- 13758 bump version nums by @argush3 in #1703
Full Changelog: 2.60.0...2.61.0
Lear Release 2.60.0
Release ticket: 13666
What's Changed
- 13393 digital credentials - issue business credentials by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1683
- Business Summary - Firms Start Date fix by @lekshmimallika-aot in #1685
- 13393 bug fix by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1686
- 13666 bump version nums by @argush3 in #1694
- 13688 Optimizations for GET business and task endpoints by @argush3 in #1687
Lear Release 2.59.0
Release ticket: 13552
What's Changed
- 13530 SP/GP pipeline misc bug fixes and updates by @argush3 in #1670
- Court Order Indicator in Business Response by @lekshmimallika-aot in #1672
- 13392 digital credentials invitation and connection by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1673
- 13330 Update the Legal API to apply BEN IA correction changes by @lewischenstudio in #1674
- 10911 co-op filing AR, director effective dates fix by @lambert-alex in #1667
- Firms Correction Email Processor by @lekshmimallika-aot in #1675
- 12887 Create SP/GP affiliation script by @argush3 in #1678
- 2.58.0 -> 2.59.0 legal-api & queue_services 14.5b by @lambert-alex in #1679
- 10911 add business type to set processed by @lambert-alex in #1681
Full Changelog: 2.58.0...2.59.0
Lear Release 2.58.0
Release ticket: 13541
See Zenhub Release Report for release details.
What's Changed
- Fix sp/gp pipeline loading issue - multiple rows were found for one_or_none by @argush3 in #1660
- 13515 Fix FILE_FRCHG event/file type loading issue in SP/GP pipeline by @argush3 in #1662
- 13391 digital credential models and migration by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1663
- Removed corrected label from the original filing by @lekshmimallika-aot in #1665
- 13533 digital credentials - Registration Business Schema by @vysakh-menon-aot in #1666
- Add start date support for conversion filing and warnings check by @lekshmimallika-aot in #1669
- Version update 2.57.0 -> 2.58.0 by @lambert-alex in #1671
Full Changelog: 2.57.0...2.58.0