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Meeting 11

afgedemenli edited this page Apr 30, 2019 · 1 revision

Meeting 11 - 30 April 2019 19.00 - 20.50 ~ BM Lounge


  1. Arda Budak
  2. Gamze Gülbahar
  3. İbrahim Kaplan
  4. Ahmet Gedemenli (Notetaker)
  5. Halit Özsoy


  1. We will discuss the problems the team face while implementing API.
  2. Will decide on an environment.
  3. Will discuss DevOps and continuous integration.


  1. We will use Travis CI for staging, testing and deployment to Amazon EC2.
  2. We will use PyCharm.
  3. We will use Virtual Environment because of the PS.

Action Items

No. Who What Deadline Prerequisite
1 Halit Travis CI configuration and Amazon deployment. 3.05.2019 None
2 Everyone Everyone will complete their tasks from Spring Break. 6.05.2019 None

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