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Personal Work

Gamze Gülbahar edited this page May 12, 2019 · 14 revisions

Team Member Efforts

1. Ahmet Gedemenli

Member Work Deliverable
Ahmet Taken the notes of Meeting 11. Meeting notes
Ahmet Contributed to the evaluation of project repo part in the 1st Milestone Report. Milestone Report
Ahmet Added week-1 activities to the project plan sheet. Project Plan
Ahmet Made some research about APIs, sqlite, AWS, REST, Django and their different kinds of implementations. API Implementation
Ahmet Implemented a Django project 'The Word Of The Day' in my own repository. API Implementation
Ahmet Pushed 'The Word Of The Day' app to our repository and wrote tests for it. API Implementation
Ahmet Fixed and edited my app by suggestions and reviews of my teammates API Implementation
Ahmet Added the documentation of 'The Word Of The Day' API. API Implementation
Ahmet Wrote reviews to other team members' pull requests. API Implementation
Ahmet Edited the contributions of other members and compiled the whole milestone report with API documentation. Milestone Report

2. İrem Uğuz

Member Work Deliverable
İrem Added suggestions for future activities Project Plan
İrem Added week two activities to the project plan sheet Project Plan
İrem Added the project plan to the ProjectLibre tool with Arda and İbrahim Project Plan
İrem Implemented the api about object detection API Implementation
İrem Write a test for the object detection API API Implementation
İrem Added the documentation of the object detection API API Implementation
İrem Taken the notes of Meeting 9 Meeting notes
İrem Wrote the executive summary for the Milestone report 2 Milestone Report
İrem Attended the lectures -

3. İbrahim Can Kaplan

Member Work Deliverable
İbrahim Prepared the Week 4’s accomplishments to be a part of Project Plan Project Plan
İbrahim Contributed to document which we give opinions for the future part Project Plan
İbrahim Wrote review to other members' notes about past weeks Project Plan
İbrahim Added the project plan to the ProjectLibre tool with Arda and İrem Project Plan
İbrahim Made some research about APIs and its different kinds of implementations API Implementation
İbrahim Completed the part of the api which is ‘languagedetection’. API Implementation
İbrahim Fixed some bugs related to ‘languagedetection’ api. Added documentation. API Implementation
İbrahim Wrote reviews to other team members' pull requests. API Implementation

4. Ali Ramazan Mert

Member Work Deliverable
Ali Taken the notes of meeting 8 Meeting Notes
Ali Gave the idea of documenting the plan's entries before actually making it in the meeting. Project Plan
Ali Helped fixing and rearranging the project plan according to the given feedback. Project Plan
Ali Learned about RESTful API's and how to make use of them API Implementation
Ali Implemented a text to speech converting project using an api API Implementation
Ali Wrote a documentation for texttospeech API Implementation
Ali Prepared the personal milestone report for the milestone 2 API Implementation
Ali Wrote reviews to other team members' pull requests. API Implementation

5. Arda Barış Budak

Member Work Deliverable
Arda Wrote two items in the evaluation of project repo part in the 1st Milestone Report Milestone Report
Arda Added what we did in week 4 to the project plan document in ProjectLibre Project Plan
Arda Added the future part of the project plan based on the ideas written in project plan discussion document and assigned dates to them. Project Plan
Arda Implemented movie recommendation functionality for the API using OMDB API API Implementation
Arda Implemented tests for the movie recommendation functionality API Implementation
Arda Wrote documentation for the movie recommendation functionality API Implementation
Arda Prepared List and Status of deliverables part of the report Milestone Report II

6. Halit Özsoy

Member Work Deliverable
Halit Özsoy Fixed durations & dates of the existing tasks with Burhan Project Plan
Halit Özsoy Made lots of research about primarily on AWS, Django, CICD (Travis-CodeDeploy) API
Halit Özsoy Created initial skeleton Django project

Implemented a method for adding secret keys

Separated settings into production and local (used inheritance)

Explained how to add new apps and secrets to the skeleton on a Readme file

Created a sample app called Polls to the skeleton
API Implementation
Halit Özsoy Created an EC2 instance prepared it for deployment

Created a TravisCI Configuration, connected it to CodeDeploy

Created start/stop/restart bash scripts

Took free domain and configured its DNS via Cloudflare

Configured nginx as reverse proxy, serving static files separately in production mode

Configured uwsgi to deploy Django App in production mode

Installed MySQL(MariaDB) to be used in production mode
Halit Özsoy Researched translation APIs, (Google/Yandex/Azure)

Implemented Django App, translate that supports both JSON input-output and standard FORM data

Created a simple frontend for translate app

Created a simple documentation for translation feature

Implemented useful tests to translate app for both frontend and model validation
API Implementation
Halit Özsoy Created a home app that lists demo links for all the apps inside

Reviewed others' pull requests

Bug fixes to others' apps whenever necessary
API Implementation

7. Burhan Akkuş

Member Work Deliverable
Burhan Added Week 8 to project plan Project Plan
Burhan Implemented the api about language prediction API Implementation
Burhan Write a test for the language prediction API API Implementation
Burhan Added the documentation of the language predicion API API Implementation
Burhan Wrote evaluation of processes and tools used on project until this point Milestone II

8. Emirhan Yasin Cetin

Member Work Deliverable
Emirhan Added notes to project plan Project Plan
Emirhan Wrote executive summary in the 1st Milestone Report. Milestone Report
Emirhan Wrote the second part of the evaluation of deliverables in Milestone Report II Milestone Report
Emirhan Made some research about APIs, sqlite, AWS, REST, Django and their different kinds of implementations. API Implementation
Emirhan Implemented a Django project 'Music Suggester' in my own repository. API Implementation
Emirhan Pushed 'Music Suggester' app to our repository and wrote tests for it. API Implementation
Emirhan Fixed and edited my app by suggestions and reviews of my teammates API Implementation
Emirhan Added the documentation of 'Music Suggester' API. API Implementation
Emirhan Made research and implementations about Amazon AWS API Implementation
Emirhan Summarized my personal efforts Milestone Report

9. Gamze Gülbahar

Member Work Deliverable
Gamze Taken the notes of Meeting 10. Meeting notes
Gamze Wrote the evaluation of class diagram in the 1st Milestone Report. Milestone Report
Gamze Updated project plan according to feedback. Project Plan
Gamze Added works of the milestone reports and project plan to project plan. Project Plan
Gamze Contributed to Ibrahim's evaluation of the project plan for second Milestone report. Milestone Report
Gamze Wrote the evaluation of the project plan and API implementation for second Milestone report. Milestone Report
Gamze Research on the RESTful API's. API Implementation

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