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Rob Reynolds edited this page Oct 28, 2011 · 2 revisions


Is DropkicK something I can even use?

DropkicK (DK) is not usable everywhere (yet). There are specific requirements for using DK and hopefully the next few lines will help you determine if DK is usable in your environment or not.

Windows and .NET Framework

DK is only for Windows at the current time. It requires .NET Framework (3.5 at the moment, but switching to 4.0).


DK Deployment plans are written in .NET. While your code technically doesn't have to be .NET, the deployment plan must be written in .NET.

Know Your Environments

While not an absolute requirement, knowing the environments you are deploying to ahead of time is where DK shines. It's going to be very hard to use it in an environment where you don't know the servers you are deploying to ahead of time (although one could update the JSON settings files just prior to deploy).

Reach Your Environments

You must be able to get to your environment through UNC. DK uses UNC to access servers and deploy items to them. So your deployment agent and its location are important. If the deployment agent can't reach the server it is targeting, then DK is not going to work for you.
DK in the future may support FTP deployments, but it does not at the current time.


Because DK does administrative things, the deployment agent must be an administrator on the boxes and SA on the SQL servers that the agent deploys to.


When DK runs tasks that must be executed on the machine that the deployment agent is targeting, it copies a small executable over to the box and uses WMI remote execution to execute those tasks.