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Rob Reynolds edited this page Oct 28, 2011 · 7 revisions

Deployment Roles

A deployment role is a collection of tasks/steps that set up an item in the deployment. An example of a role is a database. There are certain tasks for bringing the database to your end state. The collection of these tasks forms a Deployment Role. Deployment roles are arbitrary in that you can define them however you want.

Roles are referred to in the deployment plan, the execution of dk.exe and in servermaps

Important Notes

Order of the Roles is IMPORTANT
The most important thing to note is that when you have set your roles, the one that is first in the code gets executed first if you don't specify the roles to execute.


public class TwoRoleDeploy : Deployment<TwoRoleDeploy, SampleSettings>
  //order is important, first one here gets executed first
  public static Role Db { get; set; }
  public static Role Web { get; set; }
  public static Role VirtualDirectory { get; set; }
  public static Role Host { get; set; }
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