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Kamran Wali edited this page Dec 1, 2024 · 3 revisions

Inherits: Resource

Resource template script for creating new manager helpers.


manager_helper_template is a Resource template script. You can use this template script to create new scripts/objects that will act as a manager helper. These scripts basically stores reference to another script and then shares the stored script through reference. Example of manager scripts are cop_pool_manager_helper and cop_update_manager_global_helper.

Note: Make sure to give a unique class name for the new script so that you can create it in the editor.



Type Name Default Value
untype _manager


Return Type Name
void set_manager( untype manager )
untype get_manager()
bool has_manager()


untype _manager

This property stores the reference to the script that will can be shared. The property is untype and MUST be a script type. If NOT a type is given then this script will give error.

Note: Do NOT set/get this property directly. Use the set_manager() method to set the property and use the get_manager() method to get the stored value.


void set_manager ( untype manager )

This method sets the _manager property. Basically this means that this method stores the reference to a script. The parameter manager is untype. So make sure the type of this parameter is same as the _manager's type. If NOT then this method will throw errors whenever it is called.

untype get_manager ()

This method gets the _manager property. Basically this means that this method returns the stored reference of a script. The return type of this method is untype. So make sure the type of this parameter is same as the _manager's type. If NOT then this method will throw errors whenever it is called.

bool has_manager ()

This method checks if the _manager property has been set or NOT. True means the _manager property has been set. False means the _manager property has NOT been set.

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