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Kamran Wali edited this page Dec 2, 2024 · 5 revisions

Inherits: process_manager_local


process_manager_global is the update manager that uses the _process(delta) method to update the update manager and all of the update objects. The prefix global means that this update manager can only be shared globally which is by creating a cop_update_manager_global_helper resource file and then dragging and dropping, or by selecting it from the drop down list, the resource reference into the other object's cop_update_manager_global_helper properties.



Type Name Default Value
COP_UpdateManagerGlobalHelper _helper


Return Type Name
void _ready()
void _setup()

Property Descriptions

This is the property that stores the reference to this update manager so that other scripts can use this update manager by using the resource reference only. This is helpful in a way that the user do NOT need to go around search for which node object in the scene contains the update manager. They can just set the cop_update_manager_global_helper resource reference.

Note: Any class that contains the word _helper means it is the script that stores a reference of itself into the _helper properties. Other scripts wanting to use this reference resource should name the property _manager or _manager_somethingelse. This is just my convention.

Method Descriptions

void _ready ()

This is the method where the _helper property is set to this update manager, which is self.

Note: If your child script need the _ready() then make sure that the child script also calls the super._ready(). This will make sure to avoid weird results.

void _setup ()

This method sets up the _helper property automatically which is handled by the Automation logic.

Note: This method should NEVER be called by any other script. It can only be overridden by child scripts. If it is overridden by child scripts then make sure to call the super._setup() method as well to avoid any weird results. Also make sure that the _helper property is NOT null otherwise the Automation logic will stop working.

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