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Releases: deso-protocol/backend


21 Feb 14:58
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The v4.0.4 release upgrades go to 1.23 and provides various fixes and performance enhancements and some small API enhancements. The v4.0.4 release is built using the v4.0.4 release of core.

Some highlighted updates:

  1. Hot feed - support more blocks in hot feed and fix bug with comments appearing in hot feed.
  2. Add support for DeSo dex as a source of price data for DESO
  3. Catch errors from txn construction for unlock stake and unstake txns
  4. New API endpoints for get-base-currency-price and get-quote-currency-price to support the AMM.
  5. Compute and return txindex metadata for uncommitted state

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v4.0.3...v4.0.4


27 Aug 18:26
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The v4.0.3 release is a minor non-forking upgrade that uses the v4.0.3 release of core.

New endpoints

  • GetBaseCurrencyPrice can be used to fetch the price of a DeSo token

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v4.0.2...v4.0.3


02 Aug 17:34
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The v4.0.2 release is a minor non-forking upgrade using the v4.0.2 release of core.

Notable changes include:

  1. Fixes to api transaction info endpoint
  2. Updates to the total supply endpoint to account
  3. New endpoint to support trading fees on limit orders
  4. Updates to atomic txn construction endpoints to include inner txn hexes for easier signing
  5. New get all global params endpoint

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v4.0.1...v4.0.2


20 Jun 04:13
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This is a mandatory upgrade and all nodes need to upgrade by the existing deadline specified in the v4.0.0 release.

This release will not incur additional downtime if you’ve already upgraded to v4.0.0. If you haven’t already upgraded, you’ll experience the same amount of downtime as if you upgraded to v4.0.0 - about 20-30 minutes.

What's Changed

Changes were made in the core repo, which are automatically integrated here. This release addresses an issue where locked stake could not be unlocked if a validator unregistered. See release v4.0.0 for full details on all PoS upgrades.

Full Changelog: v4.0.0...v4.0.1


17 Jun 19:46
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Fork Preparation Checklist

In order to upgrade your node to be compatible with this new version, please complete all steps of the checklist below.

  • Reboot your node with the most recent stable release image from docker before noon PT on July 1st, 2024.
    • Your node may pause for 10-20 minutes after reboot for re-indexing, but a resync is not required.
    • Please note that the fork is expected to hit on Tuesday July 2nd, 2024 at noon PT.


The v4.0.0 release is a major version upgrade that brings Revolution Proof-of-Stake to DeSo mainnet. Upgrading your mainnet node is required as mentioned above. For more details on the protocol-level enhancements, please see the core v4.0.0 release notes.

New Flags

  • max-optional-preceding-transactions - If set, enables certain transaction construction endpoints to accept transactions that should be connected before constructing the transaction requested in the request body. Setting this flag can aid in workflows that deal with atomic transaction construction.

New Endpoints - all prefixed by /api/v0

  • get-committed-tip-block-info - GET endpoint used to fetch a node's tip height, tip hash, and latest view for use in checkpoint syncing.
  • submit-atomic-transaction - POST endpoint used to assemble and submit an atomic transaction given the hex of an incomplete atomic transaction (only missing the signatures of the inner transactions) and an array of hexes for each signed inner transactions.
  • txn-construction-params - POST endpoint used to get the current parameters necessary to construct a transaction locally. Takes a MinFeeRateNanosPerKB as a lower bound on the fee rate. Returns the fee rate and current block height.
  • token-balances-for-public-key - POST endpoint to get a map of public key to a simple balance response (holder public key, creator public key, and balance in base units). This endpoint is useful to get the balance of a bunch of different creators' DeSo tokens (and DESO) for a given holder. This endpoint supports passing in a TxnStatus - either InMempool or Committed to control whether to fetch uncommitted or committed state.
  • get-dao-coin-limit-orders-by-id - GET endpoint to fetch a series of DAO Coin Limit Orders by IDs. This endpoint supports passing in a TxnStatus - either InMempool or Committed to control whether to fetch uncommitted or committed state.
  • validators
    • validators/register - POST endpoint to construct a REGISTER_AS_VALIDATOR transaction.
    • validators/unregister - POST endpoint to construct an UNREGISTER_AS_VALIDATOR transaction.
    • validators/unjail - POST endpoint to construct an UNJAIL_VALIDATOR transaction.
    • validators/{publicKeyBase58Check} - GET endpoint to fetch a ValidatorEntryResponse for a given public key.
  • check-node-status - POST endpoint used to test if a provided domain is accepting TCP connections. This is used to help validators test their node configuration when registering as a validator.
  • current-epoch-progress - GET endpoint used to fetch details about the current epoch including its epoch number, start height and view, final height, initial leader index offset, created timestamp, the leader schedule, the current view number, and the current tip height.
  • stake
    • stake - POST endpoint to construct a STAKE transaction
    • stake/{validatorPublicKey}/{stakerPublicKey} - GET endpoint to fetch stake details for a given validator and staker.
    • stake/validator/{validatorPublicKey} - GET endpoint to fetch stake details for all stake with a given validator.
  • unstake - POST endpoint to construct an UNSTAKE transaction.
  • unlock-stake - POST endpoint to construct an UNLOCK_STAKE transaction.
  • locked-stake/{validatorPublicKey}/{stakerPublicKey} - GET endpoint to fetch locked stake details for a given validator and staker.
  • coin-lockup - POST endpoint to construct a COIN_LOCKUP transaction.
  • update-coin-lockup-params - POST endpoint to construct an UPDATE_COIN_LOCKUP_PARAMS transaction.
  • coin-lockup-transfer - POST endpoint to construct a COIN_LOCKUP_TRANSFER transaction.
  • coin-unlock - POST endpoint to construct a COIN_UNLOCK transaction.
  • lockup-yield-curve-points/{publicKey} - GET endpoint to fetch the locked yield curve points for a given public key.
  • locked-balance-entries/{publicKey} - GET endpoint to fetch locked balance entries for a given public key.
  • create-atomic-txns-wrapper - POST endpoint to construct an ATOMIC_TXNS_WRAPPER transaction.

Updated endpoints

  • get-dao-coin-limit-orders - accepts a new parameter TxnStatus (either InMempool or Committed) to control whether to fetch uncommitted or committed state.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v3.4.6...v4.0.0


26 Apr 15:22
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v4.0.0-beta.1 Pre-release


The v4.0.0-beta.1 release includes a few small bug fixes in backend, but more importantly uses the v4.0.0-beta.1 core release which includes fixes to issues related to networking and fee estimation.

For more details on the changes introduced with the PoS upgrade, please see core's v4.0.0-beta.0 release.

For more details on DeSo's move to proof-of-stake, please visit

Please use this docker image to upgrade your node.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v4.0.0-beta.0...v4.0.0-beta.1


23 Apr 13:58
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v4.0.0-beta.0 Pre-release


Please upgrade to the new pre-release v4.0.0-beta.1 as a few issues were uncovered in the v4.0.0-beta.0 release.


v4.0.0-beta.0 is a pre-release for the upcoming Proof-of-stake fork. Please note that v4.0.0-beta.0 only sets fork heights for testnet and only testnet nodes should upgrade at this time. Upgrading mainnet nodes is not required and will NOT transition a mainnet node to use proof-of-stake as the consensus mechanism.

This pre-release mainly adds transaction construction endpoints for new transaction types and basic querying endpoints for data related to the new transaction types introduced for proof-of-stake.

For more details on the move to proof-of-stake, please see the core release notes and the revolution proof-of-stake website.

Please use this docker image to upgrade your node.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v3.4.6...v4.0.0-beta.0


18 Jan 22:11
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v3.4.6 uses the v3.4.6 release of core.

Additionally, v3.4.6 introduces a captcha verification endpoint, updates to support the memory optimizations in core's release, and add support for constructing basic transfers (including max spends) and diamond transactions with extra data.

Smaller enhancements include a small fix to the transaction-info endpoint for mempool transactions, removing profile compensation when profile fee is 0, and adding a lock around the AllCountryLevelSignUpBonuses map to prevent panics.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v3.4.5...v3.4.6


27 Jul 20:51
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v3.4.5 introduces a new node-version endpoint. Additionally, it uses v3.4.5 of core which introduces enhancements to reduce memory requirements when using hypersync.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v3.4.4...v3.4.5


13 Jun 14:34
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v3.4.4 addresses a bug in the submit-block endpoint and uses the v3.4.4 release of core

What's Changed

  • fix submit-block to account for fees from block reward recipient by @lazynina in #498

Full Changelog: v3.4.3...v3.4.4